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Angelfish parents back with fry???


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After finally getting my angelfish pair to 1.)Spawn, and 2.) not eat the eggs before I have a chance to remove them. I finally was able to get the eggs to hatch (currently at the wriggler stage). right now the parents are in a large clear tote that I use as a temporary holding tank. but I was wondering if I put them back in with the hatched wrigglers would they eat them or since they weren't there to see them hatch would they eat them?

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I’ve bred plenty of Angels, but I’ve never run that experiment. I’d have to imagine that if you dropped them back in the tank as fry they’d be a tasty snack. I think your best bet is to raise them separately. I don’t know your set up, but you said the parents are in a tote. Perhaps move the parents from the tote back to a tank and then raise the fry in the tote?

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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