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CJs Aquatics

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Hey all, I have a couple tanks with planaria but one is infested. In my experience a very niche group of fish have been said to eat them however the tank I have them in houses pea puffers so the do not. Anyone tried gut loading them somehow to make them more desirable, I imagine if they tasted better they would be an irresistible live food the way they wriggle around. My thought was perhaps catching some and feeding them in a 2.5 gallon and reintroducing them to see if there is any interest, perhaps vitachem/ garlic guard and fish foods? Any thoughts at all welcomed even if you think I’m crazy lol 

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I have battled Planaria in pea puffer tanks among others but it never occurred to me to try feeding the Planaria to make them tasty. Way to think outside the box!  Going to follow along to see if anybody has tried it or found a better solution than chemical warfare against the Planaria which will kill any snails breeding in the pea puffer tank. 

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I guess given my limited knowledge of them as a relatively new creature in my fishroom it’s more of a crawl then a swim. I’ve never heard this though I can say I have seen them get pretty crazy with the wiggling before, never just swimming through the water column though so perhaps this is true, idk…

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On 1/14/2023 at 6:11 PM, CJs Aquatics said:

Hey all, I have a couple tanks with planaria but one is infested. In my experience a very niche group of fish have been said to eat them however the tank I have them in houses pea puffers so the do not. 

I am interested in knowing what fish are likely to eat them. I was freaked out when I discovered planaria in my 29 and bought No Planaria to use, but have not used it yet as I have not seen any more planaria since it arrived. I wondered if either my swordtails or my angelfish picked them off.

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