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Treated tank with Maracyn… are plants safe to transfer to another tank?

Karen B.

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I bought 13 glowlight tetras and started them on quarantine med trio. 2 days later, I noticed one was poorly. He had white patched on each side of its head. I asked here about a treatment and @Colu gave me a solution, sadly I didn’t have the meds, so I went for a full cours of Maracyn. The sick fish was dead the next day, however, the remaining ones seem to be ok (knock on wood!) so far after 2 and 1/2 days.

Once the treatment is done, I will wait a week, do a WC, and start over the quarantine med trio but minus the maracyn.

After that week, I will wait 2 more weeks. At that time, will the fish AND the plants are safe to transfer in my community tank? The plants are also meant to be scattered around many aquarium but I want to wait until it’s 100% safe to do so.

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Use Reverse Respiration for the plants. Soak in seltzer in the dark completely submerged for 9 - 12 hours and then they are safe to return to the tank. This will eliminate any aerobic or anaerobic bacteria as well as parasites. 
The fish there is no guarantee. I keep sick fish quarantined for 1-2 months after treatment if it was a serious illness or parasite. 


Edited by Guppysnail
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On 1/9/2023 at 2:28 PM, Guppysnail said:

Use Reverse Respiration for the plants. Soak in seltzer in the dark completely submerged for 9 - 12 hours and then they are safe to return to the tank. This will eliminate any aerobic or aneroid bacteria as well as parasites. 
The fish there is no guarantee. I keep sick fish quarantined for 1-2 months after treatment if it was a serious illness or parasite. 


I a going to sound stupid but I am native from Québec and speak french so I am not entirely sure what is refered as seltzer water? Is it Perrier? I did look around a little bit, so from what I understand it’s carbonated water? Is it different from sparkling water? 

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On 1/9/2023 at 2:35 PM, Karen B. said:

I a going to sound stupid but I am native from Québec and speak french so I am not entirely sure what is refered as seltzer water? Is it Perrier? I did look around a little bit, so from what I understand it’s carbonated water? Is it different from sparkling water? 

Perrier and sparkling water are not as highly concentrated in carbon dioxide. Seltzer soda is what it is called here to get the higher carbonation. Perhaps @dasaltemelosguycould chime in on what it’s called in other countries if he knows. 

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On 1/9/2023 at 11:59 AM, Guppysnail said:

Perrier and sparkling water are not as highly concentrated in carbon dioxide. Seltzer soda is what it is called here to get the higher carbonation. Perhaps @dasaltemelosguycould chime in on what it’s called in other countries if he knows. 

Hi @Karen B., I'm not familiar with the local brands in your area but upon searching, I did see that some of the larger brands are widely available in French Canada. 

I see, Canada Dry and Polar brand seltzers are available, and Schweppes Club Soda seems to be as well. Any club soda will work too. I see Low Sodium club sodas available as well which removes the salt albeit it's a minor amount in any club soda.

As @Guppysnail said, avoid any that call themselves mineral waters or sparkling waters as their carbonation is too low. 

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