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shrimp acclimation question


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i recently set up a fluval spec with cycled media in the filter and fluval stratum as substrate. i added some endlers and bloody mary shrimp and immediately the shrimp became stressed and since then half have died. the endlers are perfect. i didnt drip acclimate or anything because i have a fish room and routinely switch fish and shrimp around with no bad effect. i also have not used stratum as a substrate before. did i kill them by stupidly not realising the ph would be lower? i am going to add some wonder shells before i try putting more in. any advice appreciated. cheers

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Did you ever use any copper medication in that tank? Copper is poisonous to invertebrates. What ph was the tank? Did these shrimp come from another aquarium, if so how similar were the water parameters? If they didn't come from another one of your aquariums where the parameters where the same then I would say yes you need to drip acclimate them. If the ph was different dripping also is good.

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It is a brand new tank so no copper or any contaminant. The pH is 6.5 which is what the bag containing the fluval stratum says it will keep the pH at. My tanks in my fish room are very hard water with ph around 7.4. so I guess it's likely it was the lack of drip acclimentation.

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Shrimp are much more sensitive to changing parameters than fish are and should always be drip acclimated. Even during a water change it's highly advised to drip the water back in. I get around that one by only adding a cup or 2 every hour or so which is kinda a ghetto drip for a water change. 

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You would always want to slow acclimate shrimp over a few hours.  I use the method above that @Cinnebuns is mentioning.

I put them in a tub or container and then double the water volume, sometimes triple.  Then dump as much water out again, repeat that process.   After that's completed I'll take a light and very closely look for parasites.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 12/29/2022 at 2:59 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

Should I still do drip acclimation if I'm moving shrimp from one tank to the other (Amano shrimp in my case)? I put test strips in both tanks and the results look identical, and both tanks are heated to the same temperature.

If i'm moving my shrimps within my regular tanks with normal substrate and tap water i normally don't drip acclimate them.
Never had any problems with that tbh.

When i move the shrimps in tanks with RO water i always drip them, because those levels are never exactly the same in the tanks.

But if you got time and space it can never hurt to acclimate them. Better safe then sorry.

Don't have experience with amano though. Only neocaridina and caridina.

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