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Kinky betta fry


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Hi Again,

So, I've been breeding betta fry for a few months and realized, during the grow out, that some (maybe 2.5%) developed kinks in their bodies. I know I've read some are due to injury, which I thought at first since I did transfer them a few times with a baster. 

But I now have a beautiful batch of mostly fat betta fry but also found 2 more kinked ones. One is a small guy (maybe doesn't compete well for food) and the other is a huge koi (would suck to lose him but already out of my line up for breeders since he has had a negative symptom). both are opposites in regard to fat build up so I don't think its fat and I don't think its injury (at least by strong physical impact).

Could it be like a pulled muscle, skeletal, water quality? If many things can cause it then I'll get parameters, but it usually stays pretty clean (zero ammonia, around 150 fry in a 35gallon, there body is between 5/8ths inch to 1 inch, water change every other day 50% and a vac with the change, 80F, 40+gallon sponge filter, fed mostly micro pellets and a little brine shrimp.) They don't eat blood worms, so I stopped trying.

Any help would be appreciated. Also, if you have the same experience, please share. I can usually solve these things with enough info. It the fact that it's so random that's throwing me off. Never seen an adult with a kink. All i can find online is injury or possible constipation but with how much pellets they ALL eat, I'd think I would expect to see more kinked bodies. 

Thanks FishFam


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Betta's are heavily inbred it not uncommon to get genetic deformities in most batches of fry a small percentage will have  these issues that what's more than likely going on i wouldn't use these for breeding they will pass on the negative traits some breeder will cull these individuals that a personal choice 

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Thanks Colu,

Thats a relief. These guys pig out on the pellets so i was a little worried but like i said, only a very small percentage get this kink. Thanks for the insight.

I'm super strict on who I allow to breed. Any sign of weakness and there off of the breeding block. All kinks so far have gone into my bichir tank. I cant sell them or breed them so they might as well be good fish food. 

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