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White spot on Bristlenose Pleco


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Hey everyone,

I’ve been pretty fortunate as I haven’t dealt with much disease in my couple years in the hobby. I quarantine all my fish, keep healthy systems, and overall have just had some good luck. I’ve beaten ich a time or two so I’m familiar with that, but I noticed a spot on my Bristlenose that I’m unfamiliar with. 

Has anybody seen this or dealt with it before? I first noticed the spot a couple of days ago, but seems to be bigger at this point. Not sure if it’s just an injury, or something that I should consider meds for. On hand I have the Trio and aquarium salt. Also have a hospital tank I can move them to. 

@Colu do you know what this is?

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Today the wound/issue seems a little better. In pictures it probably doesn’t look much different, but in person it looks more like it did a few days ago. 



All things considered, I’m either A) going to wait a bit longer to see if it continues to improve or B) move her/them to a 10 gallon hospital tank and try Maracyn. Disease isn’t something I’m well versed in, but it looking better in person has me somewhat relieved that it will all work out. 

@Colu You seem to be the master on here and have excellent recommendations of what your fellow Nerms should try in terms of meds. Would really appreciate you input. Thank you in advance!



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Sorry for the late reply I have not been well I remember something similar  someone else else posted a while ago it could be an injury or a cyst what I would do is add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons you could also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and monitor for a week if you notice it getting worse then I would do a course of maracyn just in case theirs a bacterial component to it @AllFishNoBrakes

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Got her moved over to a 10 gallon quarantine/hospital tank with 2 tablespoons of aquarium salt and 3 Cattapa Leaves. Injury/cyst looked maybe even a little better than yesterday, which makes me hopeful this tiny amount of salt and benefits of the CL will help clear this up. We’ll see how it goes!

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@nabokovfan87Possible she poked herself on the piece of Spiderwood.  Other than that the tank is pretty barren. Small piece of dragon stone to create a hide for them, coconut hut, pleco cave, and a sponge filter

Last night she was happily munching on the algae in the hospital tank. Spot looked maybe a little better. Definitely not worse. She’ll chill in that bit of salt and we’ll see what happens. 

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On 12/19/2022 at 7:43 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

@nabokovfan87Possible she poked herself on the piece of Spiderwood.  Other than that the tank is pretty barren. Small piece of dragon stone to create a hide for them, coconut hut, pleco cave, and a sponge filter. 

Last night she was happily munching on the algae in the hospital tank. Spot looked maybe a little better. Definitely not worse. She’ll chill in that bit of salt and we’ll see what happens. 

It could've been something when the lights come on and then the fish got spooked.  Wishing for a swift and full recovery!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, a couple weeks later in the lightly salted tank and a couple Catappa Leaves and Pleco looks to have the issue resolved. I’ll probably leave them in this tank for another week just to be sure, and when I have the best view of them they’re always facing the exact wrong way I need them to. Of course. But, from what I can tell that white mass is gone. 

Shout out to @Colu for the awesome recommendation. I’m glad salt and leaves did the trick before I went the medication route I was originally planning on. I appreciate your commitment to helping others, and hope you’re feeling better than a couple weeks ago when I originally posted this! This community is awesome. 

Edit: Came back a couple minutes later and finally found the fish facing the way I needed to actually check. The issue seems to be resolved! Heck ya. Maybe on Wednesday, maintenance day, they’ll go back to the tank they came from. 


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