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Hardy Plants Fish won't eat!


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I have a 110 gallon with Cupid Cichlids, random tetras, Bandit Cichlids, Silver Foxes, Horseface Loaches, and Bushynose Plecos.  What plants will survive this community!?  Thank you!  I have Anubias, Java Fern, and a Crinum Calamistratum.  These are great, but aren't filling out the tank.  

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Have you tried Vallisneria? It’s supposed to be a very tough plant, and shoots out runners underground. Cabomba spreads really fast.

On 12/7/2022 at 4:58 AM, Dana said:

I have a 110 gallon with Cupid Cichlids, random tetras, Bandit Cichlids, Silver Foxes, Horseface Loaches, and Bushynose Plecos.  What plants will survive this community!?  Thank you!  I have Anubias, Java Fern, and a Crinum Calamistratum.  These are great, but aren't filling out the tank.  


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I have found that some of the larger anubias varieties work (like Barteri), as will Java Fern (if the current inhabitants aren't munching it). The problem with both of these is that they are slooooooow growing, so to have any impact in a 100 gallon aquarium, you need big bunches of both to start, as they can take a loooooong time to fill in on their own.  Some online sellers offer 'Mother Pots" of these plants which tend to be much larger, denser specimens. 

Do you have any fish right now that are nibbling your plants to death?

Edited by tolstoy21
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