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water testing

SC Fish

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so i got some test strips today as i never really have them on hand, i only bought four but they gave me five so thats pretty neat. 

anyways i realised i have never actually tested my 10 gallon which has been running for around 21 months. so i just did and everything is pretty good. general water hardness is a bit high, rather pushing the limit but its been fine for the fish. however there is 1 concerning aspect, in both tanks actually. the ph. both tanks ph are around 7.5 to 8. how can i lower this to be a bit more comfertable?

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If your fish are fine I would not lower it. Stable is most comfortable for fish. If they are fine they have adapted to that level. 
Fish are insanely adaptable. Most of my fish are in ph considerably higher and harder than internet “recommendations”. They are happy healthy and breeding. 
Most of our hobby fish have never seen wild conditions so their parameter needs are not as linked to their natural habitat conditions as the wild counterparts. 

I want to add I disagree with ph adjusting chemicals. They change parameters to fast to often and it becomes unstable. Unstable is a fish enemy as well as rapid change. They can adapt easily to most things if it happens slowly. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 12/5/2022 at 11:36 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Much more flexible. Bettas come from waters which are at a pH of 5.5 - 6.5 and survive anywhere between 5.5 and 8 these days. 
Info comes from my LFS manager (my boss 😂)

My betta lived a good long life at 7.8 rock hardness. 

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On 12/5/2022 at 9:15 AM, SC Fish said:

so i got some test strips today as i never really have them on hand, i only bought four but they gave me five so thats pretty neat. 

anyways i realised i have never actually tested my 10 gallon which has been running for around 21 months. so i just did and everything is pretty good. general water hardness is a bit high, rather pushing the limit but its been fine for the fish. however there is 1 concerning aspect, in both tanks actually. the ph. both tanks ph are around 7.5 to 8. how can i lower this to be a bit more comfertable?

Ph should be mostly ignored and is pretty much irrelevant. Fish don't care, shrimp don't care and most plants don't care. If you are happy with GH and KH, focus your energy elsewhere.

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