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Activated Carbon

CJs Aquatics

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Hey all, anyone run activated carbon?, I would love to hear from someone with experience rather then the internet of some of the reasons you choose to use it and some of the pros and cons you’ve personally noticed. I know it is chemical filtration in the sense it removes toxins and medications from the water and that it needs to be replaced over time, aside from that what can you tell me about it I know some people shun it and others swear by it…

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What i know is that it's usually used situationally or changed frequently. It doesn't have long term use like sponges. You can use them always if you choose but it needs to be replaced is the difference. I have heard that over time it can start to leech the toxins it absorbed back into the tank. That sounds plausible to me but I cannot confirm the validity of the source. 

I can say that I personally do not use it at all times. I will buy some and run it after doing a med dose but I otherwise do not use it. 

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On 12/4/2022 at 9:47 AM, Pepere said:

when I was a kid in the hobby, everybody used simple box filters with about an inch to an inch and a half of carbon and filter floss on top.  

Same here. My dad's aquarium had activated charcoal in the HOB filter cartridge and then there was more in the outputs for the under gravel filter.

It also helps with getting rid of weird smells but that's probably just covering up something else that needs to be addressed

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I currently have a bag of carbon in my 40B "Plaza" but the only reason it was in there was to curb some of the tannins from the peat I'm running in the canister. now the carbon is just surface for beneficial bacteria. Once I clean it enough times and it gets a hole torn in the bag I'll empty it into the compost bin and stop running carbon. Every now and again I'll get carbon as a promo or it comes with a filter, but I don't buy it on purpose. The one I have now came with the canister. I have one spare that I hold onto thinking that "I may use this at some point".


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On 12/4/2022 at 9:59 AM, Pepere said:

No, activated carbon actually adsorbs organic compounds that smell.  Used in air purifiers and household water filters to pull out off taste ans smells..  it is not covering up, it is removing.

What I meant by "coving up" was that there was probably a reason there was a weird smell and that should be fixed

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ive run carbon for lots of years. is it an absolute need, heck no. just think of carbon as a sponge, it absorbs  some of the bad things out of the water.  put carbon in, and over the course of a few days it absorbs all it can, and after that it just acts as more surface area in the tank for good bacteria to colonize. one consideration if you have a planted tank and fertilize, if you just did a cleaning and put in new carbon, give it a few days before you fertilize, or the carbon will absorb some of the ferts. like anything else, it has its plusses and minus's, and folks tend to blow them all out of proportion.

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