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Has anyone used Expel-P with the med trio?


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Got a new Betta yesterday afternoon, hoping to get her in my community tank soon. for now I have her in a 3G sous vide container turned quarantine tank. She's stewing in their now with the med trio (pun Intended), I've had bad luck with bettas from the local chain store with Camallanus worms in the past, though she's from a different shop, I'm definitely worried about it, and strongly considering a round of expel-p. I'm already set on finishing her quarantine with just the three meds, waiting two weeks then doing the rounds of expel. More out of curiosity I'm wondering has any one tried the four together, or any combo? Any quarantine advice is welcome too. 

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It's typically easier on the fish to give them a break between paracleanse and expel-p. So you would do the med trio, then give them a week off, treat with expel-p.  With either paracleanse or expel-p it's difficult to "use the med trio" because you're often needed to do additional steps.

Paracleanse and ich-x work well with salt. Especially for external issues.  Expel-P and Paracleanse both require rounds of treatment. So doing a 1 week soak isn't going to cure everything. It's a start, but you do need to follow up.

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