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Flow too high? Eggs safe?


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Today I set up a high flow 10 gallon with the goals of possibly breeding some hillstreams or otos while I have extra space and no babies.  I accomplished the high flow by putting a slightly higher rated HOB filter on the short side on one end and a sponge filter on the other. 


I've had both species for awhile now and have noticed spawning behaviors in both but never a fry. They are in with panda cory adults so I assume the eggs get eaten. I do still have panda cory juveniles in this tank because it has been serving as a grow out tank for both the cories and guppies. No guppy babies currently and 4 young juvenile cories. 

First, I'm worried maybe the flow is too high for the cories and maybe even the otos. I do see them thrown around from time to time. Tbh, I've never seen cories this out and active at this age so that leads me to think maybe it's fine. This video tho it seems to me it's enjoying the flow but at the same time also struggling slightly with it. What do you think?  

2nd concern is for the eggs. If my assumption is that I haven't seen fry because the eggs are eaten, and likely by adult panda cories, maybe the juvenile panda cories are not safe as well?  I mean I'm not trying to maximize yield or anything, just mostly see if I can make a few. But maybe I should consider moving the cories temporarily while I do this project?  Thoughts?

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On 11/4/2022 at 8:33 AM, Cinnebuns said:

Today I set up a high flow 10 gallon with the goals of possibly breeding some hillstreams or otos while I have extra space and no babies.  I accomplished the high flow by putting a slightly higher rated HOB filter on the short side on one end and a sponge filter on the other. 


I've had both species for awhile now and have noticed spawning behaviors in both but never a fry. They are in with panda cory adults so I assume the eggs get eaten. I do still have panda cory juveniles in this tank because it has been serving as a grow out tank for both the cories and guppies. No guppy babies currently and 4 young juvenile cories. 

First, I'm worried maybe the flow is too high for the cories and maybe even the otos. I do see them thrown around from time to time. Tbh, I've never seen cories this out and active at this age so that leads me to think maybe it's fine. This video tho it seems to me it's enjoying the flow but at the same time also struggling slightly with it. What do you think?  

2nd concern is for the eggs. If my assumption is that I haven't seen fry because the eggs are eaten, and likely by adult panda cories, maybe the juvenile panda cories are not safe as well?  I mean I'm not trying to maximize yield or anything, just mostly see if I can make a few. But maybe I should consider moving the cories temporarily while I do this project?  Thoughts?

If there are any potential egg eaters (apart from the parents!) I would remove them. Flow shouldn't be an issue

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On 11/4/2022 at 6:09 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Otos typical lay on leaves. @xXInkedPhoenixXhas bred otos and can give you more detail. 

As for hillstreams, not sure they can ever have enough flow. The more large round cobbles you have the better. 

For the flow I more meant if it's too much for the juv cories and otos. I knew the hillstreams loved it. I know both otos and cories also enjoy high flow but I wasn't sure if I had gone too far for them. 

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On 11/4/2022 at 12:33 AM, Cinnebuns said:

Today I set up a high flow 10 gallon with the goals of possibly breeding some hillstreams or otos while I have extra space and no babies.  I accomplished the high flow by putting a slightly higher rated HOB filter on the short side on one end and a sponge filter on the other. 

If need be add a sponge baffle on the end of the HoB.

On 11/4/2022 at 12:33 AM, Cinnebuns said:

First, I'm worried maybe the flow is too high for the cories and maybe even the otos. I do see them thrown around from time to time. Tbh, I've never seen cories this out and active at this age so that leads me to think maybe it's fine. This video tho it seems to me it's enjoying the flow but at the same time also struggling slightly with it. What do you think?

The behavior doesn't look like them getting thrown around, but there might be some indicators.  The pandas are towards the front of the tank, which is not the side of the tank that has the most current from the output of the HoB.  Otos getting thrown around generally means they need a place to go that isn't too strong or that there is a need to baffle things.  The pandas are trying to swim up, but there is some pretty good current at the top of the tank (or they just were surfing the glass).  Because yours are long fin, they do likely need more care when it comes to flow.  Hillstream loaches definitely don't mind and won't mind at all.  Can you do another video showing the otos and / or dropping in some flake food?

Because of what's in the tank, I'd try to baffle it.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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