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New to hobby - confused about this picture


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5D6C191B-2B6A-4EA8-B92D-69A60E989FF1.png.901f9031cbb0327a1e3baa8ca241bb71.pngI am new to this hobby. I have a male Paradise Beta and one mystery snail. Today I placed a small piece of cuttlebone for my snail, Gary, and as soon as he walked over it these bubbles were left on it. It has now been about eight hours and they have not floated to the surface or dissipated. Can anyone enlighten me? Thank you. 

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On 10/23/2022 at 5:29 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Hi there @Herefishie, welcome to the forum. 

I suspect those are just air bubbles from trapped air trying to escape from the bone. I have those happen under my fish feeding dishes. I bet if you nudged it they would just float to the top and go away. 🙂 

Yeah, cuttlebone is very porous and air will be inside it, but the bubbles won't necessarily float up because of surface tension.

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On 10/23/2022 at 5:31 PM, Herefishie said:

Boy, I have a lot to learn I think. Thank you for your response.

Paying attention to your tank, asking questions and acknowledging that you have things to learn means you're on the right track!

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@Herefishie We all have a lot to learn, it all depends on subject matter. See everything as an experiment and you can’t go wrong. Don’t be discouraged by being discouraged, it’s too easy. This isn’t the easiest path, however if mixing science, art, and a love for life in general, is your thing, then you just entered a rabbit hole of wonder, curiosity, and fascination. Welcome, enjoy the path, and good luck to you. You’re in the right place. 😎

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@Jazz Pizza Very nicely said! Super early on in my hobby I accidentally sucked my female betta through my siphon and was pretty upset with myself. It was the last water change before her tank was cycled so the timing couldn’t have been worse. I looked away for one second and then next thing I know my fish was in the bucket with a ripped open belly. My girlfriend calmly reminded me that I was still learning and that mistakes happen. Since then, I’ve looked at everything I’ve done in this hobby as an experiment. I still look at everything like that and have to remind myself that it’s pretty amazing that we can keep fish in a glass box in our house in the first place.

Also agreed that @Herefishie is in the right place. This forum is full of friendly people who all have a passion for the same thing. Welcome to the hobby and the forum! Things are super confusing at first, but it gets easier and people here will help you when you need it!

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