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AllFishNoBrakes’ Journal

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On 4/28/2024 at 9:57 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It took me weeks to figure this out (details in the shrimp journal)

Same. I should’ve just cleaned the filter! When I pulled it out, it was suuuuuper heavy, and your journal entry was ringing in my head. 

On 4/28/2024 at 9:57 PM, nabokovfan87 said:


A classic! I’ll have to add it to the list for when I’m done crushing through everything I already have. 

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Whew, big Wednesday this week! My girlfriend had to leave super early this morning, and I wasn’t able to go back to sleep, so I took advantage and started working on the tanks. 

I cleaned every air collar and every sponge filter. When you have 14 tanks that’s no small feat! I also trimmed the cube, pulled a TON of Jungle Val and Amazon Sword leaves out of the 55, and got a tank ready for new friends tomorrow. 

Tomorrow I’m gonna take 15 Panda Angels and all (but one) of my Bristlenose to the LFS. I finally convinced them to take these BN and I’m happy to move them and move on. No more BN babies around here!

I plan to pick up 10 more Chili Rasboras for the 20L Blackwater tank. From there, we’ll probably drive down the road and pick up 10 more Green Neons, also for the 20L Blackwater tank. Once I secure those I’m just on the hunt for some Rummynose Rasboras and we’ll be set!



Giant Java Moss ball. Gonna take this up to the LFS as well.


Panda Angels looking good!


55 gallon finally getting some light.


20 Long. Dumped in a fat pour of the blackwater tea I’ve been saving and really darkened this tank up.


The Cube with a fresh trimmed Pearl Weed hedge.


Pea Puffer tank with the plants getting a little out of control.

Cheers, homies!


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Bagged up 15 Panda Angels, 16 Bristlenose, and a ton of Java Moss and took that up to the LFS. Got the usual $4/Panda, the BNP’s were just a donation, and got $10 for the Java Moss. Traded that towards the 10 Chili Rasboras (buy 5 get one free, so actually walked away with 12), and I still have $161 in credit. Only putting the credit I currently have on here to remind myself as I always forget. That, and just to show that if you find something you’re good at and does well at the LFS you can create a nice little thing for yourself. 

From there we drove another 30 minutes or so to LFS #2. Picked up 10 Green Neons for $30, and chatted with the boys at the shop. LFS #2 is an RPP store, so it’s always nice to see Coop products out in the wild, and even better that they sell them for the same price as ACO. They even have the brine shrimp and brine shrimp salt now! I asked them what products were selling good for them, and they said, “basically all of them. I guess the one thing people ask for that we don’t have is the usb nano pumps”. I told him I thought ACO discontinued those in favor of their branded back up battery pumps, and told him to point people towards Amazon for those. Sadly, no 5% member discount. At least not yet. We’ll see if they ever make that change in the future!




Currently acclimating the new fishes, and then we’ll medicate them and call it a day. Harvest some BBS later and feed everyone and we’re on to the next adventure. 

Now, if I could just get my hands on some Rummynose Rasbboras we’d be set. Might have to hit up a forum member and see what they’d charge me for a 15 pack and shipping 🤔

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On 5/2/2024 at 6:20 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Now, if I could just get my hands on some Rummynose Rasbboras we’d be set. Might have to hit up a forum member and see what they’d charge me for a 15 pack and shipping 🤔

I know you're just green with envy over my new Rummynose Rasbora windfall... 😁 (sorry... I had to.)

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On 5/2/2024 at 6:58 PM, FLFishChik said:

I know you're just green with envy over my new Rummynose Rasbora windfall...

Lololol. Ya, just a little bit. They look awesome!

On one hand it would be cool to have some fish that another forum member bred. On the other, it would be cool to not have to pay for it (use my store credit). 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2024 at 11:55 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Lololol. Ya, just a little bit. They look awesome!

On one hand it would be cool to have some fish that another forum member bred. On the other, it would be cool to not have to pay for it (use my store credit). 

No doubt , I’m a little jealous that I don’t have a LFS to build up credit through. lol.

Edited by FLFishChik
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On 5/3/2024 at 7:44 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

@EricksonAquatics Same! I think I started with like 22, and I’m down to 15 or so. So, we should be back to ~25. Also stocked to boost the Green Neon numbers. Their green stripe really flashes in the Blackwater tank. 

Those + green Laser corydoras. 😍

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On 5/4/2024 at 8:56 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

green Laser corydoras.

Not a bad idea! I’ve kept Cory’s out of the tank as the substrate is sand, and then like, a fat layer of mulm and botanicals. Cory’s would kick that up and I’d never have clear water again 😂

With CPO’s, snails, and shrimp on the bottom and the Chili’s and Green Neons up top I have been able to avoid that problem. 

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Posted (edited)

Well, folks, it has been a weird one around here since I last posted. I guess I’ll just go in chronological order. 

We got some new internet installed and that’s been nice. Things haven’t buffered or lagged since it got put in so that’s rad. Symmetrical gig speed is hard to mess with. 

I’ve been having SO MUCH fun with my retro handheld, but I also found out I made a mistake. There is a different version that would be way better long-term. I decided to send my model back, take the Amazon credit, and my plan was to use the 10% coupon on the new handheld, use that instant credit, and then use the cash back on my credit card and pay, in total, about $17-20 for the upgrade. The only problem is the credit wasn’t instant, and it made me me go through UPS pick up for the return. I initiated that return last Friday, and hoped that Monday it would be picked up. 

Monday, it didn’t get picked up… I worked all day, and my girl had a bunch of appointments. Oh well, no problem, they’ll be back on Tuesday. 

Tuesday it didn’t get picked up either! My girl was home all day, but didn’t hear the door. Bummer, one last chance on Wednesday, and I’ll be home all day doing maintenance. Fingers crossed it gets picked up! That leads us to the rest of Tuesday night. 

Isshin is no longer with us, unfortunately. He’s been acting strange for the past couple of weeks. I noticed he looked stressed. He didn’t have his normal coloration, and was hiding a lot more. I tested the temp on the tank as that was the only thing I could think of that may have changed. 74. Okay, a little low, so we’ll bump that up. A couple of days later he seemed better. He was more chipper and was eating better so I thought I had it figured out. Then, he kept hanging out in the grate in the false wall. The tank has internal filtration and a tiny pump on as low as it will go. Yes, the water moves, but I wouldn’t say there’s actually any “flow” in the tank. I have sponge filters that move more water, lol. I thought that was strange that he was “sucking” himself to that grate, but he would still come eat and everything. Then it got worse. He wouldn’t really come off the grate, and if he did he would just sit on the bottom. A couple of days ago I noticed he was missing a pectoral fin! What happened to it? Idk. Was it fin rot that I missed until it was all the way gone? Did he rip it off in the little grate on the false wall? We’ll never know. The past couple of days he wouldn’t eat and I knew he wasn’t going to last long. Unfortunately, I went to feed him (or, at least, try to feed him) yesterday when I got off work and that wasn’t a possibility. Tuesday was a bummer with a belly-up fish and my handheld not being picked up. That’s alright, that’s part of life. And tomorrow is a new day. 

That leads us to today. “The New Day”. We both woke up early, ran a quick errand, and then I got started on the tanks. I did everything as normal, with the exception of the QT tank with the Green Neons and Chili’s. Did a 50% water change on that bad boy to get the meds out. I absolutely slammed through the small tanks, and was excited for the big tanks. 

I started with the grow out tank, and cleaned ALL the filters. I noticed the HOB was only trickling water, so we needed to take care of that. I did both sponges, the pre filter sponge on the HOB, the sponge inside the HOB, and the HOB itself. I don’t think I’ve ever taken the U tube out and cleaned that or the impeller, so it was most definitely due, lol. Got everything done and voila, the HOB is moving water again. 

Moved on to the Pea Puffer tank and found drained the usual 10 gallons. On to the next. 

29 blackwater tank. Time to clean the canister. Did that with ease, and then drained another 5 gallons. 

That brings us to the 55 gallon Angel tank. The sponge filter has been glugging a bit. No problem, we’ve been through this before! Still a little weird though as I just cleaned the sponge last week. 

I figured I kicked up a bunch of mulm and stuff with trimming back the plants last week. I cleaned the sponge, I cleaned the air collar, and now it was even WORSE! I spent probably 30 minutes doing everything I could try and STILL GLUGGING. New Easy Flow parts, different Easy Flow parts, different arrangements of the parts, more air, less air, just the cage of the sponge without the sponge and STILL GLUGGING! With just the air collar in the tank, totally fine. You hook it up to the sponge filter cage (with or without the sponge) and big glugs. Idk, man. Makes no sense. It’s either that part of the internal cage is broken (has been forever) or something with the Easy Flow parts. Currently, it’s hooked up like a sponge with just 1 small uplift piece and it’s cranking air. I actually had to put in a Ziss Valve and turn it down as it was blowing so hard, lol. 

Drained the 20 high, finished filling everything up, cleaned everything up, fertilized, and took a much needed shower. 

That brings us to this evening. 

I was being super impatient and itching to play my new retro handheld. Checked my Amazon return and it looks like they don’t expect to receive the return until 05/22, and don’t plan to release the “instant” credit until 06/07. So much for instant, huh?? I am hopeful they’re just throwing out random dates that line up with their “30 day from pick up to credit” statement, but we’ll see. I figured it would go one of two ways. One: If I got ahead and use real money to buy the new console today to get it delivered tomorrow, the credit will come in the next couple of days. But, then I’ll just have an Amazon credit floating out there. This will only happen because I spent real money. Or two: it’ll take the whole month for them to release the credit, and then I’ll be bummed. 

I decided to go ahead and make the purchase. Used a 10% off coupon, used my cash back on my credit card, and then made a payment to my credit card for the amount that I paid so it’s “like I didn’t even use my credit card, but got to use the cash back I’ve saved”. At least that’s what I convinced myself of lmaooooooo. New handheld will be here tomorrow (Anbernic RG556, if anyone is interested) and whenever I get my Amazon credit that just means I can get whatever we want or need and I prepaid for it. It’s fine. 

I planned to go to LFS #2 tomorrow to pick up a new sponge filter, and potentially a new Easy Flow kit. I have been wishing that tank had a medium sponge instead of a large for years. So, with me being unable to stop the glug no matter what I did, I figured it was time. Then I remembered; my girlfriend’s cousin got me an ACO gift card for my birthday a few months ago! Logged in, threw a medium sponge (with Easy Flow kit) and some shrimp food in the cart. Used the gift card, and paid a whopping $2.65 for the sponge, easy flow, and shrimp food. 

Also, BOTH pairs of Panda Angels spawned today after maintenance! I’ve never had that happen! What are the odds… I told you, it’s been weird around here. 

And now we wait. I’m going to wait at least 30 days before putting anything in the Betta tank in case there was some illness or disease that got to Isshin. I’m honestly kind of over Bettas, but that’s really what that tank is designed for as there’s no air. Sure, I could throw a nano usb with an air stone behind the wall, but it’s really a betta tank. Idk, we’ll see. The Nerite will keep it cycled and we’ll make that decision later. 

We wait for the ACO package to come. I’m super curious to see how long it takes from the new warehouse! Also, no plants or anything in the order, so that is even more curious as to how it’ll be shipped. I’m actually pretty stoked to have a medium sponge in that tank. The larges are just suuuuuch a pain to get in a gallon sized ziplock when it’s time to clean them. That’ll leave me with just one large sponge in use. Maybe at some point I’ll change that to a medium, as well. Who know. 

We wait for the handheld to come tomorrow, and then we wait for the Amazon credit to show up from there. I already have a couple of things I might want. Potentially a case for the handheld, and a 1TB sd card. I’m currently using a 128gb card and have about 50gb left on it. Depending on the console, that’s a lot of games. Or, 8-10 more. Just all depends. Could be worth the $30 to never even get close to filling that thing up lol. 

Long read, but like I said it’s been weird around here and I wanted to document it. The sponge glugging really has me scratching my head. I’ll be even more confused if it’s still doing it with a new, different sized sponge, with a brand new air collar and easy flow kit. We’ll see!

Some pics I’ve taken recently:


This absolute UNIT of a Ramshorn snails in my girlfriends shrimp tank. Easily the biggest Ramshorn I’ve ever seen. 

Still shocked that both pairs of Panda Angels spawned on the same day. 


Amano molt being photo bombed by the Blue Axelrodi Rasboras  

Cheers, homies. Keep it weird. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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On 5/8/2024 at 8:07 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

The sponge glugging really has me scratching my head. I’ll be even more confused if it’s still doing it with a new, different sized sponge, with a brand new air collar and easy flow kit. We’ll see!

The way mine was acting, LITERALLY couldn't clean the sponge any more.... But I would argue there are two main issues. I don't know what the "new" design is for the sponges, but I have the older design with the kit added on.  That being said, it just sits on the top piece. "The hat" and it's slightly easy to have that thing not really attached fully because the retention bump is only on the inside of "the hat" and that keeps it held into the inner column of the sponge filter itself.  Once it lifts slightly, it's pulling water from the tank and not from the sponge itself, that leads to bypass, basically.

The other issue was that once it lifted it I could see water spewing out of the chimney pipes and across the tank. As soon as I press that piece into "the hat" where the air collar should be, I get a dribble. I've ran it with just tube sections installed to increase the "uplift" of the filter with the air collar and it works well, but I've since removed the easy flow from my tanks just due to not really having the time to fix the issues week to week with the very fine sponge im running in the shrimp tank.  Other tanks, ACO sponge, I would try it again.

My condor for your lost fish. It's never easy and severe, quickly progressing issues like that do give you a shock to the system.

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On 5/9/2024 at 1:04 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

The other issue was that once it lifted it I could see water spewing out of the chimney pipes and across the tank. As soon as I press that piece into "the hat" where the air collar should be, I get a dribble.

Same. Take it off “the hat” and water flows as it should. Click it on, and it was glugging. Like, literally, full air, stop for half a second, full air, stop, full air, stop. I was so confused as there was no reason that should be happening. 

All my sponges are like 4 years old and were retro fitted with the Easy Flow kit. I’m excited to get the new one that comes with the kit and see if there’s any difference!

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Noticed some things growing around the house and wanted to share:

The Pothos I chopped out has healed over and is starting a new vine. It took a couple of weeks, but she’s pushing forward. 


Jalapeños starting to grow out! I love picking these little guys, chopping em up, and putting on whatever I’m eating. So funny picking things out of a tray that used aquarium water and munching them up. 


Little Lavender starting to bloom. 

Anubius starting to flower! This Anubius was the second aquatic plant I ever bought. It outgrew the Betta tank, so I chopped it in half and put it in the 29 Blackwater tank. Noticed the other day it had this long shoot and I thought it might be a flower. What caused it to flower? No clue, but I love that it is!

Until the next fun thing catches my eye…

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On 5/9/2024 at 7:48 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Same. Take it off “the hat” and water flows as it should. Click it on, and it was glugging. Like, literally, full air, stop for half a second, full air, stop, full air, stop. I was so confused as there was no reason that should be happening. 

Interesting!  Mine didn't "glug" like that.  It would bubble as if normal, but it just did not move water.  Think.... simmering pot of water on the stove.  Lots of action, but the water didn't move at all.

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On 5/11/2024 at 2:43 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

New sponge and kit should be here Tuesday, which means I’ll install it on Wednesday with maintenance. If that thing is glugging I’m really gonna lose my mind!

It's a fun engineering challenge if you run into any issues.  I bleached / sanitized my kit today.   I can disassemble and do whatever need be.  Just let me know.

Step 1 is very likely going to be using a small file or something.  There's also the MST "fix" that seems to be needed on a lot of parts.  Option 3 would be adding your own channel / installing some sort of o-ring on "the hat" piece.


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@nabokovfan87 That’s strange yours would still have bubbles but no flow. 

You’ll be the first to know if I get the new one and have any issues! It’ll definitely be going in this journal. Hopefully it solves the problem and I can put all the glugging issues of the past several weeks behind me!

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What up?

It was an easy maintenance sesh today. Just water in and out. Didn’t clean any filters, but I did clean out one air collar that wasn’t functioning as intended, and I clipped off some Amazon Sword leaves that were impeding flow. Pretty simple and quick this week. 

New sponge filter came in, and what do ya know, no glugging. Fingers crossed that issue is now long behind me. 

Chili Rasboras and Green Neons are doing well in QT. Did another 50% water change today, and it’ll be 20-30% from here on out. They still have another 2-4 weeks until they make it to the display. 

An Anubius in the 29 gallon Blackwater tank is flowering!


What caused it to flower? No clue. Only the second time I’ve ever seen it happen. First time for this specific plant. 


Looks like we have a second flower popping up, too! 

Photos both taken of the same tank. Just at different levels of the tank/different angles so one looks clear and one looks super tinted. 

Cheers, homies. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Comin’ in hella late with the update this week. Do the kids still say “hella”? Definitely showing my age a bit. 

This week was a weird one. My girl had her appointment with her specialist on Tuesday morning at 8am, and it’s a 2 hour drive both directions. Took Tuesday off so I could be with her, and then worked on Wednesday when I normally do the tanks. 

I had every intention of doing the full maintenance routine on Thursday. We had our appointment at the Post Office for our passports at 11:30, and on the way home a maintenance tech said he was here to fix our A/C. I figured once he was done I would drag out the hoses and get to work, but I made the decision to just… not. Life has been crazy, work has been crazy, and I took the opportunity to just rest for a minute. 

I filled up a single 5 gallon bucket, and just  topped off some tanks. It felt good to just do 15 minutes of maintenance instead of the 4 hours it probably would’ve been. I probably needed to squeeze a couple of sponges, but that can wait until next week when we get back on track. The boss will be back from vacation, and I should have my (mostly) uninterrupted day to just play with the tanks. 

On a different note, I hit 10 years with my company (don’t remember if I noted that or not) and the love I received from my team was honestly overwhelming. One store got me a couple of cards, one team member made me a custom company logo out of a piece of metal on a plasma cutter CNC machine, and they got me a money tree to add to the collection of house plants. Another team got me a custom work shirt with our logo mixed with the Blink 182 smiley face logo, and a hoodie to match. The management team all pitched in and got me a gift card to pick a date to swim with the sharks at the Aquarium, and a gift card towards dinner afterwards. And I’m fairly confident the owner of the company is going to gift me and my girl a trip to Mexico (hence the passport appointment yesterday). 

I’m overwhelmed with appreciation from my teams. Truly at a loss for words for their generosity and thanks for the work that I do. 

I hope you’re taking care of yourselves, friends. I know I need to more often than I do. 

Here’s a pic of my Chili’s I snapped for someone else in a different thread. Thought this one turned out pretty well:


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I noticed a couple of fun things in the 29 gallon Blackwater tank that I wanted to share. 


The second flower on the Anubius is coming up! Pretty cool to see one fully open, and the other one right behind it. I’m hopeful that both will be open at the same time. We’ll see what happens over the next couple of days. 


This Crinum Calamistratum has been leaning over for a while. The roots have been embedded in the gravel for quite some time, and the base of the plant has been gone for a while, too. I noticed today that roots have started to grow out higher up on the stem to root this bad boy back down! I didn’t know that was possible, but seeing it, it totally makes sense. 

This picture also showcases all of the species in the tank. We have the wild caught Black Neon in the top right, the Glowlight Tetra below the Black Neon (excuse the bent spine), the Albino Cory’s in the background doing their Albino Cory thing, a Cherry Shrimp in the roots of the Crinum I was describing, and some Ramshorn Snails. Just thought it was cool to snap all the species in one pic. 

Anyways, I thought these two little things were cool. I love that there is always something to learn, even if it’s just that roots can grow out further up the stem of a plant than you previously knew. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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It’s Wednesday and we got back on track my friends! Felt good to get everything back to where it’s needs to be. It would’ve been real easy to skip another week after working 18 days in a row, so it’s a good thing I actually enjoy doing water changes and maintenance. 

I started the day off by cleaning out all the air collars. All of em. Every single one. I also cleaned the majority of the sponge filters, and all 3 pre filter sponges. Work is gonna be real crazy the last week of June and the first week of July as we do this, county fair, basically, where we operate 4 different sections of the park. 2 spots in the main food court, and 2 more promo/VIP spots. So, I figured I’d get everything nice and clean today to make up for basically skipping last week, and then I’ll do it again right before that county fair where I can guarantee I skip maintenance on one of those 2 weeks that the fair is going. 

Also removed a literal metric ton of plants from the 55 Angel tank. Tons of Water Lettuce, both shoots that were growing baby Amazon Swords, ripped off some Val ends that didn’t look so good, and probably 30 or so Amazon Sword leaves. I also found out I have duckweed in that tank again. Lucky me! There must’ve been a couple of pieces, and in the midst of me allowing that tank to become a jungle it really started growing again. Sigh… Oh well. Maybe after the fair we’ll try to eradicate Duckweed from all the tanks again. Right now, 4 of them have it. We’ll see how it goes. 

Snapped a decent amount of pics today. Hope you enjoy:

Clutch of Bristlenose eggs. I didn’t even realize the male was sitting on these. Snails like to hang out in the cave, and I was getting low on snails for the Peas, so I lifted the cave. The male shot to the back of it, and really didn’t wanna come out. When he did, this clutch came flying out with him. 

29. Black Neons out and about munching live BBS. Added a handful of leaves and 2 Lotus Pods. 

55 Angel tank all cleared out. 

20 long. Can’t wait to get the Chili’s and Green Neons added in here. Gonna be dope. 

20 high that I rarely post. Kinda wild how this tank is half lit and half dark. Got a whole lotta Sword leaves on that right side. 

6 gallon cube. Took this photo from far away and cropped it. 

6 gallon cube closer up. Salvinia is dying. Don’t wanna add ferts. The last time this happened I added literally 2 drops of Easy Green and got green water. I’m hopeful that if the Salvinia dies off, it just means the tank doesn’t need it and I can run no floating plants and not get green water. We’ll see!


Cleared out a ton of duckweed and water lettuce from this 10 gallon. Tank looks empty, but there’s probably 12-15 Pygmy Cory’s and an ADF in here. Patiently waiting for the LFS to bring in the Rummynose Rasboras for me. Any day now…


29 Pea Puffer tank is out of control. But they don’t mind, so I don’t either. 

Added IAL’s to the 10 gallon QT holding more Chili’s and Green Neons. Another week or 2 and I’ll move them to the Blackwater tank, so I’m getting them used to that environment. 

Feels good to have everything cleaned up and running at full speed. I hope you’re enjoying your tanks, friends. Cheers. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

In with a quick one this week. 

My girl had an appointment, so maintenance yesterday was just water out and water back in. No messing with filtration, air collars, etc. Just simple water changes and moved on with our day. 

Had a friend over today. I’ve known him for 10 years at this point, and he got into tanks about the same time that I did. He’s had some recent changes in his life that allowed him to get a new tank, and I hadn’t seen him in quite some time so it was good to catch up. 

Didn’t really anticipate sending him home with things, but he walked away with a few! 2 CPO’s, one that was carrying fertilized eggs, so hopefully those hatch out and he can have his own little colony. Also gave him my Xtreme Betta pellets as he got a new Betta and I don’t have one at this point. I convinced him to try a dirted tank since he already had the dirt and could save the money on the Stratum, so I passed on the screen I used to sift my dirt. Also busted a back up light out of the closet and passed it on for his new 55 column tank. Again, didn’t expect to send him home with really anything, but passed on some aquatic life, some food, a light, and a tool, lol. Welcome to AllFishNoBrakes, what are you looking for today?


Both Anubias flowers are open at the same time. Pretty neat. Lots of shrimp visible as this was right at feeding time. This tank looks like it doesn’t have any, and then the food comes out and they come crawling out.

I lost an Albino Cory. I can’t say I’m shocked, though. I’ve had those guys for nearly 4 years at this point. No clue how old they were when I got them, but I think I gave them a good life. We’ll see how the rest of the colony does. If it’s time, it’s time, and that is just an opportunity to try something else. Time will tell.

Cheers, homies.


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  • 1 month later...

What up fish fam?! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted here. Work has been wild. We made it through the fair, with myself in charge, and we absolutely crushed it. I was the first person to cross into the 6 figure mark for sales for the 12 day extravaganza, we were up 20% from last year, and my team absolutely slayed. Long days, late nights, and early mornings, but that bonus check based off sales will make it all worth it. Normally it isn’t too bad, but I got sick in the middle of it this year. No time for sick days, though. Still had to work 15 hour days under the summer sun. We survived!

The Blink 182 show was absolutely incredible. Different stage set up from last year, different production, and a different set list. Last year was super special as I never thought Mark, Tom, and Travis would reunite, but this year was even better. The show was awesome, and they pulled out some deep cuts that I wasn’t expecting. Already can’t wait for next year!

I skipped a week of maintenance on the tanks last week, and they didn’t skip a beat. Got back into the swing of things today, though. Water changed every tank, cleaned a bunch of filters, and although it was a lot of work on top of me being absolutely exhausted, it felt good to get it done and get a nice reset on everything. 

I trimmed the cube today, too. I hate doing it, but it was long overdue and needed to be done. Just like always, it feels good when it’s done. 

Things are cruising right along. I’m taking an extra day off work this week since I had to work The Fourth out at the fair. Most definitely looking forward to two more days off after today. Then it’s back to work where we’ll open 4 new restaurants in the next 4 months. It’s gonna be wild, but I know we can do it. 

I always forget to take a pic before I duty trimming. However, I took this one after clearing out a couple of rows. 

All cleaned up!

Cheers, friends. I hope you and your tanks are well. 

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Man, ever since the fair my regular journal keeping has been all out of whack. Not that it’s a big deal, but I’m a giant “creature of habit” and it just feels weird to be out of that routine. All good, though. Like they say, better late than never. 

This week was just some water changes. Water out, and then back in. I don’t think I squeezed and filters or messed with anything. Just listened to some podcasts and some music and did my thing. 

This week I did turn up the pressure on the sink with the Python by just a bit to speed up all the big tanks. Wasn’t a giant game changer, and most of the time I have some small additional maintenance to do on at least one of the tanks, so I actually don’t mind having it take a bit longer. I can take my time, do the things I need to do, and not worry about overfilling the tanks. 

I actually watched the latest live stream, or at least most of it. Usually I just listen while I drive between all the restaurants I oversee. I’m hype I watched it this time though as we got a shout out for the airline tubing connected to the air collar and a syringe to clean them out!! I say we as it wasn’t my original idea to put the airline tubing to the syringe, but once I tried it I’ve pushed it hard here on the forum. Feels good to see a little DIY tool I’ve helped “design” and use regularly be pushed to the masses via the man himself. Also doesn’t feel bad to hear that it was a “genius idea” that he didn’t think of. In all fairness, he pushed a “genius idea” on me that was a total “why didn’t I think of that”. I have my canister filter, internal filter, and wavemaker from 3 different tanks all plugged into the same Kasa timer. I turn it off when I feed, and turn it back on 15 minutes later. However, there have been a couple of times that I forgot to turn it back on, leaving the filtration off for 24 hours. It has never been an issue, but I can’t help but feel like an idiot the couple of times I’ve done it. To ensure it never happens again, I set an “on” time for 9:30pm 7 days per week. So now, if I ever forget to turn them back on, they will automatically turn on at 9:30pm, meaning that the filter will be off for a max of about 2 hours instead of a full day. Feels good to trade “genius ideas” with other people who simply love their aquariums. 

I have a current empty QT tank, and the tank next to it can be emptied at any time. I’ve been thinking about what to do with that empty tank as I currently have no fish I’m bringing in and I don’t plan to hatch any eggs soon, and I think I’m going to try to hatch baby brine shrimp, and then grow them out and culture them. I think it will be a fun project, and I think I’ll learn a lot in the process. Also doesn’t hurt to have a culture of live food that I can harvest from several times per week for the fish. I think there will be a couple of hurdles and things I’ll have to figure out, but I’m looking forward to playing with something new. 

On the personal side of things, we booked a trip to Mexico and I’m HYPE. I can’t wait to get away, lay on the beach, read a book, swim in the ocean, lay by the pool, eat a bunch of bomb food, enjoy all the tequila that one can handle at sea level (mile high over here where I’m at), enjoy the 24 hour room service, and last, but certainly not least, lounge in the massive jacuzzi in the middle of our room. I’ve worked insanely hard over the past 4 years and have saved a ton of money, so it feels good to reward myself by using a small piece of it to just get away and relax to the max. Is it September yet?

I snapped a couple pictures that I wanted to share:

I caught this CPO chilling on a piece of cholla wood near the front of the tank, and I think the pic turned out epic. The CPO is super orange and shiny, and I think it makes the red of the wood and the green of the Anubias behind it pop. 


I noticed my Panda Angels picking at the slate, and then noticed their breeding tubes were down. We have the giant male in the first picture, and then the female in the second. I knew these guys would start breeding at any moment. 


I grabbed my big jar of Krill Flake and my small jar of Spirulina Flake to refill my in-use jar. I went back probably 3 minutes later, and sure enough they were spawning. 

Speaking of fish foods, my Spirulina is now gone, and my Krill is almost empty too. Which means it’s time to re up on fish food! I’ll definitely be ordering more Krill and Spirulina, and I remember Cory saying he brought in some new foods. Has anybody tried the Xtreme black soldier fly flake yet? Definitely interested in trying that one out, and I’d also love to hear your opinion if you’ve tried it already. 

Edit: I went ahead and placed and order. I got Krill, Spirula, Xtreme Wrigglers, and Xtreme So-Fly Flake. I’m excited to try the new foods! In addition, I picked up some new plants. Dwarf Chain Sword, Crypt Wendtii Green, and both Buce tissue cultures. It’s been forever since I picked up some new plants! I tried some Crypts when I was brand new to the hobby and they never took hold. I’m hoping that now having super established tanks can maybe solve that problem. Also looking forward to the chain sword, and the Buce’s too! If I’m lucky, some of them will actually adapt and do well for me. Finally, I ordered the Easy Potassium. Some of my Anubias definitely have holes in them, and Java Ferns have always struggled for me. If I remember correctly, Irene said in some videos a long time ago that she experienced similar issues, and Potassium was the answer. We live in the same state, about an hour apart, so it makes sense to me that my tanks could probably use a little boost. I won’t be using it on all the tanks, but there’s a few where I believe it would be beneficial. Stoked to play with all the new stuff!

As I was typing this a summer storm rolled in. Out of nowhere it got super windy, we had a 1 second power surge where everything turned off and immediately came back on, and now it pouring rain and hail and windy af over here. I’m going around and checking the tanks, but it looks like we’re all good. Gotta connect to the single Fluval light I have to turn that back on, but other than that everything seems to not have skipped a beat. I’ll spend more time resetting the stove light and reconnecting to the strip lights in our bedroom, but it’s still annoying that the Fluval light has to reconnect.

Cheers, homies. Thanks for sticking with me!

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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