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On 9/29/2023 at 11:57 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Those swords are just massive...

Very thankful to hear the medical stuff went well.  Send all the well wishes to her for us!

The swords are indeed massive! A couple years of letting them just go wild gets ya there. 

Appreciate the kinds words for my girl. I’ll let her know you sent well wishes!

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Another 24 hours later and the 29 blackwater tank looks awesome:


Water is not cloudy whatsoever, but the tint is definitely there. Seems crazy to me to spend $90 on a canister filter to get this looking the way I want, but with the 5 year warranty and money to do so it’s worth it in my opinion. 

Looking forward to clearing up the 20 long blackwater tank. Excited to see the difference with that one. 

Also received the new internal filter for the Pea Puffer tank. Got the spray bar assembled and installed, removed the carbon, and added the Poly Fil. I’ll probably get that bad boy in the tank on Wednesday. 

Now I just need to decide on some fish for the 29, lol. I’m thinking I may just beef up the Marbled Hatchetfish school for the top. I got my original group super early on in my fishkeeping journey, and seeing as it is a blackwater tank it just makes sense. Some Pencilfish could be cool, too, but idk if they’ll appreciate the tannins and already low-ish my pH runs. 

For the middle I can’t decide if I want Black Neon Tetras or Silvertip Tetras. Black neons just make sense, again, but I’ve already had/currently have Neons, Cardinals, and Green Neons. Silvertips could bring a flash of color, but I hope the tannins don’t “wash” them out, and I’d really want like 20 of them in there to get the cool schooling behavior. 

What would you do if you were me?

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On 9/30/2023 at 10:38 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Silvertips could bring a flash of color, but I hope the tannins don’t “wash” them out, and I’d really want like 20 of them in there to get the cool schooling behavior. 

What would you do if you were me?

I would start with something like an emerald green Rasbora or rummynose Rasbora. Pencil fish would be the equivalent to the black neon (they come in all shapes and sizes), and then I would consider maybe a white cloud or CPD or melon/snakeskin barbs.  Cherrys would get washed out for sure, but that's about the right size for the centerpiece to me.

Maybe some red/green/orange lasers on the bottom and even some hastatus corydoras.

(But that's me! Cold and cypranidae-ey). 😂

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On 10/1/2023 at 10:47 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Maybe some red/green/orange lasers on the bottom and even some hastatus corydoras.

(But that's me! Cold and cypranidae-ey). 😂

Lol, for sure! Wouldn’t expect anything less!

My original Albino group is in here and I don’t really plan on moving them. 

I have a plan for Blue Axelrodi Rasboras in my cube. I’ve definitely thought about some Rasboras, but I think I’m leaning more Tetra considering the GlowLights are already in there. 

Decisions, decisions… I’ve reached the point that I really want to love my set ups for the years to come that the fish will be in there, so I definitely take it slow and make sure the fish I choose are the ones I want for the years to come. 

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On 10/1/2023 at 10:43 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

My original Albino group is in here and I don’t really plan on moving them. 

that's perfect. 🙂

On 10/1/2023 at 10:43 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I have a plan for Blue Axelrodi Rasboras in my cube. I’ve definitely thought about some Rasboras, but I think I’m leaning more Tetra considering the GlowLights are already in there. 

There was a new one I saw on a primetime video but I can't find good information.  "Emerald eye rasbora," they were essentially a rasbora version with a nice green color. Very unique. 


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Another week, another couple of changes!

The Fluval 107 continues to crush on the 29 blackwater, and continues to force me to learn. Yesterday, my girlfriend told me, “ya, and I don’t even mind the sound that filter makes!” The problem with that, is the filter shouldn’t make a sound, lol. I really think the intake sponge was clogged, but I took it one step further and just squeezed and sprayed out all the media. Saved me a step today, and as soon as I had it primed and plugged back in the bad boy was rocking and the flow was back. Can’t say I’m surprised with the amount of detritus that was in that tank, but man is that thing clear at this point. I’m not smart enough to take picture before I shut down the filter to feed; maybe I’ll be smart enough and will update. The tank is CLEAR, and the tannins are starting to set in. I’m really enjoying it. The water alarm showed up, and I tossed that in the big Tupperware that the 107 sits in. Plugging in the batteries, the alarm went off and that thing is LOUD! The listing said it was 100 decibels, but you never really know. After the test, I definitely believe it. Let’s hope I never hear that alarm again, but it’s nice to know it’s there if it’s ever needed. 

Also added the new internal filter to the 29 Pea Puffer tank today! Did a gravel vac for the first time in I don’t even know how long, and the filter has already done a nice job picking up the particles. The spray bar attachment is pretty cool, too, and I threw a drop checker in the tank to ensure the c02 that’s now in suspension longer isn’t pushing it too far. It’s only like 1 bubble per second, but I’d rather have a visual cue just to be on the safe side. The spray bar is brand new to me, so I’d rather be safe than sorry. 

I also took the media out of the internal HOB from the Pea Puffer tank and put it in the second internal HOB with some Poly Fil and added that to the 20 long blackwater tank. I’m prepared to have to change that Poly Fil every day, or maybe every other day, over the coming weeks to really clear that tank up. 

Overall, I’m hype on these new filters and I can’t wait to see how the tanks clean up. The last couple years I’ve proven that you don’t need anything fancy or lots of flow to have very successful tanks, but I’m excited to see what these tanks turn out like and it feels good to be hype on it again. For a while I was just going through the motions, and it feels awesome to be excited again. 

Now, I just need to find the new fish I want and it’s really game on! Enjoy the pics, and I’ll do my best to take some updated shots as these tanks get cleaned up and onto their next iteration. 

Pics really don’t do it justice. I’ll try to take a picture before cutting off the filter and feeding tomorrow when it’s at peak clarity. I’ve been amazed at how the water has cleared up, yet retains the tannins. 

Excited to see this tank clear up, but with even darker tannins than the tank above. Right before the lights went off the Poly Fil was already pretty gunked up and the water was already looking better. 

New internal filter in place with the spray bar, drop checker installed in the top left, a fat gravel vac, still a million snail shells on the substrate, and removal of the brown Java Fern leaves. Excited to see how this tank shakes out!

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On 10/4/2023 at 8:54 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Overall, I’m hype on these new filters and I can’t wait to see how the tanks clean up.

I was actually thinking about this in the morning and you had the words for it.  It's difficult for a lot of hobbyists to put words together delicately and to explain just why certain recommendations are made.  That being said, it's also pretty impressive how something as trivial or subtle as an algae scape, new pump, or a change in foam can make the hobby more enjoyable for you.  Maybe every fishkeeper out there is a bit of a visual person and that's why?  Maybe there's just satisfaction to something working out the way you wanted it to, envisioned it to, as opposed to trying something new and feeling like it's not a complete solution.

On 10/4/2023 at 8:54 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

New internal filter in place with the spray bar, drop checker installed in the top left, a fat gravel vac, still a million snail shells on the substrate, and removal of the brown Java Fern leaves. Excited to see how this tank shakes out!

I wont lie, saw the drop checker and it was sky blue. Mine tends to be dark blue or barely an essence of green.  I'll be so excited when that is fixed (if/when).

On this tank in particular, any ideas for plant placement in the background?

On 10/4/2023 at 8:54 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Now, I just need to find the new fish I want and it’s really game on!

Any ideas mulling around yet?

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On 10/5/2023 at 12:19 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Just out of interest, what are you feeding your puffers? I’m thinking about getting some for my 63gal display. Either that or a funky bichir.

Mine get frozen bloodworms and snails. I haven’t taken the time to get them on Vibra Bites, and honestly that ship probably sailed a long time ago. I use 1 cube of bloodworms daily between like 6 different tanks so that’s not a problem. Last time we went on vacation I gathered up enough snails to last while we were gone and had my friend just drop in like 6/day and that worked out well. 

On 10/5/2023 at 12:42 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

That being said, it's also pretty impressive how something as trivial or subtle as an algae scape, new pump, or a change in foam can make the hobby more enjoyable for you.  Maybe every fishkeeper out there is a bit of a visual person and that's why?  Maybe there's just satisfaction to something working out the way you wanted it to, envisioned it to, as opposed to trying something new and feeling like it's not a complete solution.

For sure! For me, it’s just fun to try new stuff every once in a while. All the tanks I “upgraded” were perfectly fine in terms of a healthy tank/ecosystem, but the new filter upgrades will just take it to another level of visual appeal. And new toys are just always fun to play with!

On 10/5/2023 at 12:42 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

I wont lie, saw the drop checker and it was sky blue. Mine tends to be dark blue or barely an essence of green.  I'll be so excited when that is fixed (if/when).

On this tank in particular, any ideas for plant placement in the background?

I bought the drop checkers when I first started playing with c02. I used them for a couple of months, and honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen a color change, lol. That being said, I’m not shooting for 30ppm; I simply want just a little more c02 to help the plants and to help with algae. Considering the spray bar on the new internal filter is definitely keeping the bubbles in suspension longer I just want want to make sure I’m not pushing it too far. Just a safety measure. I’ll put a drop checker back in the 29 blackwater when I switch out the c02 tank for the same reason. The 107 should keep the bubbles in suspension longer and I want to make sure I’m not pushing it too far. 

As for the plants, the PSO was supposed to be the background plant, lol. It wouldn’t stay rooted, or at least after some time spreading across the top it would just break off and be a floating plant and I got tired of replanting it. Honestly just got lazy and let it go crazy at the surface. Figured it can’t hurt to help block out light and help fight algae since I can’t have snails in that tank. With the new filter I should be able to scrape the glass and actually have a filter that will pick up the debris so I’m looking forward to that. I’ve been considering replanting it, and maybe throwing a sword or 2 back there as I have an abundance of those. 

The hardest part being that tank has gravel on the left and right sides (and not a thick layer of it), and then sand in the middle. I had some gravel leftover and some sand, so I used what I had on hand to make it work. If I could change anything about it I would go back and just use all gravel. I really don’t like the sand, but I was being cheap and used what I had on hand. The sand makes it difficult, in my experience, to plant in and have the plants be successful. 

On 10/5/2023 at 12:42 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Any ideas mulling around yet?

I’m gonna go Black Neon Tetras in the blackwater tank, and Blue Axelrodi Rasboras in the cube. The Black Neons will look awesome in the blackwater and just makes sense. I joined the waitlist for them at the LFS I have store credit at. I can be patient until they have them so I can use my credit and not spend real money. Same goes for the Rasboras. Right now, it’s hurry up and wait. 

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I was smart enough to take some pictures BEFORE feeding today!

This bad boy is really coming together. Really, really digging it. The line of algae on the back wall is just gonna stay there for the shrimp. 

Poly Fil overnight filled up and was changed out this morning. Will probably have to do the same thing tomorrow morning. But look! There’s fish in there! You can see the roots from the Pothos in the back! Lol. Excited to see how this one continues to clear up but should retain that super dark water I’ve been working on since March of this year. Also love that you can see some crepuscular rays on the right side of the tank. It’s pretty rad in person and hard to capture in a photo. I really need to decide where I want to put the Nana Petite and get it out of the pot…

Other fun things from today:


Caught the Julii Cory’s spawning. You can see like 12-15 eggs on the glass to the right of that snail. Hand was there to block the light and the glare as I took this picture mid afternoon. 

Panda Male and all Black Female spawned today, too. You can see the eggs on the other side of the Sword leaf. Dad was charging out at me as I was taking this picture, lol. 

They’re done spawning now so I’m gonna steal the eggs before I feed. Of course, the picked the Sword leaf RIGHT where I feed the tank. I’ve switched to using the scissors and the tongs as dad is super aggressive at this point and bites my hand if I go in with bare hands to just pluck out the leaf. Good dad/paternal instincts, but I don’t necessarily want to be bitten by my fish, lol. 

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On 10/5/2023 at 5:49 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Panda Male and all Black Female spawned today, too. You can see the eggs on the other side of the Sword leaf. Dad was charging out at me as I was taking this picture, lol. 

Just goes to show how persistent nature can be to keep the population going! Too funny.

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On 10/5/2023 at 11:53 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Do you also get the sort of red spots that come from the bites?

I can’t say that I have. Both dads have bitten me either while take their eggs, or from taking the eggs right before also cleaning the sponge filter. Bad idea and order of operations for the second scenario lol. One of those situations where you immediately feel dumb. 

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On 10/5/2023 at 10:53 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Angelfish always be feisty - I should name mine Muhammad Ali! Do you also get the sort of red spots that come from the bites? 

Mine was a yellow dude. Named Logan.  Named pretty much the day he went crazy and tore up half the tank of nano fish.  Then we found out he was a he.  The local breeder was very happy to home him for us!

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On 10/6/2023 at 8:37 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Mine was a yellow dude. Named Logan.  Named pretty much the day he went crazy and tore up half the tank of nano fish.  Then we found out he was a he.  The local breeder was very happy to home him for us!

I wonder if you could breed that aggressive gene, like Thai rice farmers did with bettas centuries ago? 

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On 10/6/2023 at 1:00 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Probably not the ideal thing for the pet trade tho… 😜

Ironically, this is allegedly exactly what's happened with tiger barbs. The ones in the trade being a lot more feisty towards one another compared to WC or F1 fish.  This is something I've heard from people who breed them as well as a few articles on reputable resources.

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