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I went to a welding supply store. It’s wasn’t exactly cheap, at about $100 for the tank and $140 total with co2 and tax. All the places I checked had similar prices. Add in $120 for a Aquarium Co-op regulator and $30 for a diffuser and tubing. 

You could also look into a DIY chemical system. Amazon has some cool looking setups that use a stainless steel canister and include a regulator and diffuser for about $100. 

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You could look into a paintball CO2 cylinder. They're small, but that might still be ok. I have one that is 20oz, and it used to last me around 6 months. If you're going to be using a high rate of CO2 you might want to either get two of them, or find a proper tank. If you do get a proper tank, this is one of those purchases where you might get lucky and find one that is used and still in good shape, but most often you just have to suck it up and pay the full rate. 

PS if you get a paintball cylinder you'll likely need an adapter, but they are relatively inexpensive. I will say, I also liked that my small CO2 tank was easy to stash in my (relatively) small cabinet. 

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Any way that you slice it, C02 isn’t cheap to get into, and this is coming from a guy that has multiple “mix your own” canisters, as well as a full blown 5lb set up. I run C02 in 4/13 tanks. 

I started with a “mix your own” off Amazon, but you still have to buy the raw materials to mix, diffusers, etc. 

The cheapest way to try it out is probably with some plastic bottles and the sugar and yeast method. The reason I didn’t go this route is because there is no solenoid to turn the bottles on/off. That was a non-starter for me. 

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On 9/30/2022 at 10:59 AM, Fishguy said:

Where can I get a Co2 cylinder for cheap? I am looking to start using Co2, and have never done it before. THX

Hydroponics store, usually, or a metal shop.

On 9/30/2022 at 11:09 AM, Patrick_G said:

I went to a welding supply store. It’s wasn’t exactly cheap, at about $100 for the tank and $140 total with co2 and tax. All the places I checked had similar prices. Add in $120 for a Aquarium Co-op regulator and $30 for a diffuser and tubing. 

To be clear, and for everyone speaking about the "high cost" of co2.  Yes, the upfront cost is a bit steep. Regulators can be had a variety of prices, but I think all of us here would point you to the ones ACO has now or had previously.

Diffusers aren't expensive, and you'd also want a drop checker.  Co2 tubing, check valve, etc.  Distilled water for the bubble counter also. 

The cost for the canister at first is ~100-140.  But once you get that done, it's about 15-30 to get it filled back up. No big deal.  And as long as you hook it up correctly, you're talking 1-2x per year depending on what you're dosing.

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