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Ich-X treatment w aquarium salt


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Hey there everyone!  I have a question that I need smarter people to walk me through.

We bought a bunch of fish online. The ones that survived the week long quarantine looked perfectly fine albeit quite thin…  we added them to our 75 gal “show tank”.  Three days later a few of the newbies are covered in ich, like wham, over night.

We’ve increased the temp to 86, and we’re treating the 75 gal w Ich-X and I’m doing 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons; this is after I do a 20 gallon water change. We saw or dad somewhere that salt is accumulative… so I’m curious if after I do the water change and I’m adding 20 gallons back to my tank, should I be adding the aquarium salt for just the amount teeing replaced, or the whole 75 gallons. My husband says just the amount being replaced and I don’t know…. If I murder all my sweet baby Geranium Blue Rams (Ich free and perfectly happy I might add) I’m going to be super pissed at myself.

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What you want to do is only put the amount of salt back in that you take out so if you do a 20 gallon water change put 4 table spoon of salt back as ich causes massive electrolyte loss the salt will add back in essential electrolytes ick x and salt is very effective treatment for ich 

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On 9/27/2022 at 7:19 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Worse thing to do is to is raise the temperature because that accelerates the life cycle of Ich parasites.

Depending on what the temp is in the tank now, there is no way to treat ich without raising temps to a certain level. You have to use temp to fight it.  It has to be at a certain stage for it to kill the disease.  The meds won't work unless it progresses.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 9/27/2022 at 9:39 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

I’m sorry, @nabokovfan87, but I saw on either the Aquarium Coop or KeepingFishSimple YouTube channel that raising the temperature accelerates ichyophirisis parasites life cycle.


You have the cysts on the fish, they end up in the substrate and then hatch, this is the only point when they can be eliminated with the ich-x meds. Increasing them through the cycle is what we use as hobbyists to kill them. You can also see on the meds, you don't stop treatment once the white spots disappear, because you really need them to fully hatch out which takes some time.


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