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FlyingFishKeeper Member Interview

Odd Duck

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@FlyingFishKeeper You’re being interviewed!


1.) Favourite fish?

2.) Least favourite fish?

3.) Favourite fish YouTuber?

4.) Favourite non-fish YouTuber?

5.) Favourite food?

6.) What fish would you like to be the most?

7.) What was your scariest moment?

8.) What country do you want to visit the most?

9.) Cats or dogs?

10) Describe yourself in 3 words.

11) Pancakes or Waffles?

12) What is your favorite song?

13) What do you dislike most about the aquarium hobby, and why?

14) What is your favorite TV show?

15) What is your greatest fear?

16) What is or was your favorite subject in school, and why?

17) Do you keep live aquarium plants? If so, what types?

18) Do you love or hate pest snails?

19) Do you enjoy gardening?

20) What do you love most about the aquarium hobby?

21) What was the biggest mistake you've made so far in the hobby, and what has it taught you?

22) Burgers or Pizza?

23) What is your favorite aquatic animal?

24) What is your dream tank or something you want to accomplish in this hobby?

25) Favorite candy?

26) What is your favorite book?

27) What other things do you do for fun outside of the hobby?

Edited by Odd Duck
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Wow that was fast (6 minutes after I posted haha) anyways, 

1) Favourite fish? Honestly depends, but loving my school of chilis rn

2) Least favourite fish? Anything that just shouldn't be in an aquarium, or can't live properly

3) Favourite Fish Youtuber? Probably Aquarium Coop, just like the mix of fun and info in most of the videos.

4) Favourite non-fish YouTuber? Half as Interesting. Really fun mix of comedy and education

5) Favourite food? Again, depends, but I'm pretty much always up for a really hot, and normally spicy bowl of noodle soup

6) What fish would you like to be the most? Maybe some type of paradise fish. Nobody outside the hobby really knows about them, so I probably wouldn't end up in someone's bowl, the colours are amazing, and I'd probably get a pretty big tank with not too many neighbors

7) What was your scariest moment? Well, I'm still a pretty young teen so I haven't had a lot of moments to begin with lol, but possibly (and without getting too detailed) when I found out one of my closest friends was going through some pretty serious health stuff. Don't neglect your health!

8 )What country do you want to visit the most? Ooh, probably Canada, although I've been there previously multiple times for family. I love A&W and the area that I've been to a lot (Vancouver BC, north of Seattle) has some really beautiful nature 

9) Dogs or cats? Dogs, although I haven't met many cats

10) Describe yourself in 3 words. Busy, dedicated, honest

11) Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes most of the time, but a good waffle is the absolute best

12) What is your favourite song? Way Less Sad by AJR

13) What do you dislike most about the aquarium hobby, and why? Probably what happens when you lose motivation. When you have motivation it's one of the best hobbies in the world, but when you don't it's a drag, especially as you constantly have to work on them, so you can't just leave it for awhile and come back after "recharging".

14) What is your favourite TV show? The Orville! #RenewTheOrville

15) What is your greatest fear? Again, depends, but perhaps something happening to the people I'm closest to, don't know what I'd do without them

16) What is your favourite subject in school? Very much depends on the teacher and classmates, but generally I've liked my science and language classes a lot. Gratias! 

17) Do you keep live aquarium plants? If so, what types? YES. Love them, especially in Walstad tanks. I like stems and floaters, and have had pretty bad luck with crypts and anubias. Carpets are also fun to work on.

18) Do you love or hate pest snails? Mixed bag for me, I love my bladder snails, but when I have to take algae or duckweed out of a tank it's a pain to have to go through and make sure they aren't hitch hiking and going where they shouldn't.

19) Do you enjoy gardening? To a fair amount yes, although I don't really have the space. I've been trying to get into bonsai with fairly limited success. Right now I have a juniper outside that I've been trying to keep alive until it's settled in and I can try my hand at styling.

20) What do you love most about the aquarium hobby? The living aspect, especially interacting with fish. With most other stuff I do stuff will always be the same (2+2=4, giving throttle to a drone will throttle up the motors, etc), but with fish it's really fun to get to play and interact with something that will be just slightly different every time.

21) What was the biggest mistake you've made so far in the hobby, and what has it taught you? Probably letting the first iteration of my 5.5 gallon get way too overgrown. It was a rather lush jungle scape with my first betta in it, and I let the plants grow out too much to the point where I think my betta didn't have enough space to swim. I ended up tearing that tank down a bit after he passed. Miss you buddy!

22) Burgers or pizza? Burgers if they're from this one fast food place, A&W, but most other times pizza.

23) What is your favourite aquatic animal? Bluefin tuna, they just look really cool, and I love the colour/shape.

24) What is your dream tank or something you want to accomplish in this hobby? Unlimited motivation. I'm honestly pretty envious of the people who have been in this for longer than I've been alive, and still are invested.

25) Favourite candy? Sour Patch Kids, all the way, love citric acid. 

26) What is your favourite book? I read it awhile ago, but My Side of the Mountain, it's honestly just an amazing, relaxing book with a really rich amount of detail.

27) What other things do you do for fun outside of the hobby? Messing around with my friends is always one of my favourites. I've also been trying to be a drone pilot since 5th grade, and have been doing that off and on. Also love theater tech (pretty much all the stuff that goes into the show that isn't the performers. I love working on lighting, but just all of it is amazing). I also play soccer and swim. (my best is a 29.03 50 freestyle time if anyone is interested) 

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
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