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Electric Blue Acara strange fin rot


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I have a couple of Electric Blue Acara that appear to have some type of fin rot. Usually fin rot has a sort of white residue associated with it but I'm not seeing that on my pair. I have them quarantined in a hospital tank. I ran a full treatment with API Pimafix and Melafix and those did nothing. I then switched to Fritz maracyn, but that too did nothing. I also added aquarium salt at the appropriate dose for the hospital tank size. I'm at a loss. I don't want to lose these guys. For some background these guys were in a community tank and no other fish are even slightly showing fin rot symptoms. Water parameters in both my community tank and hospital tank are perfect. Any help is greatly appreciated. Btw I will be vacuuming the tank bottom shortly 🙂 20220830_171230.jpg.99503dc2300ea92804f27bbe599566fa.jpg


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Perhaps damage from fin nipping rather then actual fin rot? If it is fin rot the meds should prevent it from getting worse if your tank parameters are correct and properly maintenanced, perhaps do a search for some medicated food that helps with fin rot if your looking for more corrective results I’ve had great success with some of Dr. Bassleers foods with my livebearers I can’t speak for Acaras specifically…

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It looks more like damage than actual fin rot if your noticing no aggressive behavior or fin nipping then I would do a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and add some aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons 


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What are your water parameters, specifically?

Also, if it is indeed fin rot, you'd me much better off using a med that is more focused on gram negative bacteria, such as Maracyn2 or Kanaplex, as mentioned above. Also, don't underestimate the benefit from clean, clean water with fin rot. Small, daily water changes can really help, combined with the salt and medication.

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