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Are these Cory egg? if yes, What can I do?


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When I came home tonight, I saw white spots on the wall of my aquarium. I thought they were water spots on the outside, but they are on the inside.  This tank only have neon tetras and corys, so I think they might be cory eggs. Do you think they are cory eggs? I am holding a US dime to the outside of the tank for scale. Note: there are 9 possible eggs, the rest is food in moss.

If they are, What do I do? All my other cycled tanks have guppies and I am probably snails. I have a breeder box that hangs on the outside of a tank, and the water circulates with an air stone. It would be fun to raise these, but I haven't a clue as to how to move the eggs, or what to do next. I do have fry feed and a brine shrimp hatchery.

Any thoughts or advice is welcome.


Edited by KittenFishMom
added count of eggs.
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Looks like they are.

Don't do anything. They will hatch as long as the tank is "mature" and typically will do ok with mulm and so forth.

If you are trying to get a 100% hatch rate, I would head to the shop and try to find the fluval / marina hang on breeder box or something similar and use that.

Honestly, I just see eggs and would keep an eye out for fry in a few days / weeks. I let the fish do their thing and it's been fine for my personal, home use. 

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On 8/25/2022 at 8:03 PM, KittenFishMom said:

I wasn't trying to breed the corys, it just happened. I can't imagine how to move the eggs to the box without damaging them.

Just let the eggs do what they're gonna do then.  It's easier on the fry, when they hatch, to be in the big tank with many surfaces to graze on.  Mine would hide in moss or cracks in rocks.  You might get some new corydoras out of it.

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I just leave my corys to themselves and I gain an extra one every now and then depending on how hungry the tank mates are.  I have recently spotted a peppered fry and I lost my only female peppered back in June so that is currently a confusing surprise must have been a parting gift from her.  I keep meaning to start a thread about my community corys and what I've observed ( maybe later ). 

I did raise one fry separately once because it got removed with some moss balls.  

The eggs are pretty easy to move to breeder box if you want to I think its about 72 hrs till they hatch if they are viable, there is a slight colour change after awhile on the fertilized ones. 

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Last night, I set up the "Fluval hang on breeder box" with java moss in it from the tank. I was too tired and it was pretty dark, so I left moving the eggs until morning.

This morning the 9 eggs in the photo were gone, but other I had spotted yesterday are still there.  I am debating putting some of the in the breeder box and leaving the rest alone. vs just leaving all the eggs alone.

I have 2 peppered corys that are large and I was guessing were both female.  I recently added a smaller paleatus (I think) with little dots in rows. I haven't any idea if it is male or female. I am wondering if relatively large water change with room temp water triggered the spawning. But I am not sure which 2 fish were mating. I don't know if corys can cross breed.  I kind of don't think so because I have never heard or seen anything about crosses. I would think that if they could, I would have heard about it by now. 

Who knows, maybe my corys know something no one else does? They are smart, they live in schools and all.

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The ones I call peppered have big random dark slotches on a like back ground. The others have several lines of small dots. I must have the names wrong.

Aqua Huna's HiFin Paletus corys look like what I call my 2 peppered corys. but without the high fin.


Their Sterbai corys look like my single cory



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For me when I had my Cory lay eggs I put them in a separate container with a little catappa leaf to help prevent any fungus. And then when they hatched I kept them in there and as they grew I eventually put them in a breeding net for a while in the main tank they are in now until they were ready to be released (could have just put them in the breeder net but didn’t have it on hand right away)!So if you want extra corys you can put them in the breeder net. Or if you want you can just leave them in there and see how they do but the other fish may eat the eggs. Also did you get your Cory’s recently and may have gotten a pregnant one or have they been there for awhile?

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@Fishy101 I have had all 3 corys for 7 or 8 months. I am not sure, but I don't think cory females can carry fertilized eggs. 

I was looking at the eggs that are left on the wall of the aquarium with a lighted 30 x magnify glass, trying to figure out if they are developing or infertile or semi-eaten. After I while I realized one of the eggs I was studying was a water spot on the outside of the tank.  I might put a few eggs in the breeder box.

I have ben test and changing and testing water after the changes, so the fish have been seeing a lot of me up close and personal.  Plus add in the huge glowing, blinking eye studying the eggs, and they might have bad dreams tonight.

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