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med trio and anchor worms


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On 8/14/2022 at 5:23 PM, Odd Duck said:

He’s sooooo gorgeous!

The closeup pics showed how pretty his scales were, but the vid shows off much better how gorgeous he is overall!

Is he!!???! I mean I think he is but…I’m the mama. lol!

here is what’s up now! Different things perhaps normal? 

He’s not at all going to the top of the tank at all and not really continual yawning!! Great news! Before this last treatment he was “yawning” a lot! +10 a minute and the surface breathing. 

hes been constipated since I used that last dewormer  he pooped  a lot and then seemed to very little and then the white poops came!! Very odd for him! (Will include picture) I’ve given him some peas which didn’t seem to help  then this morning holy mackerel!! This is so much poop and looks like it was white pieces until the green began move through  

I noticed one scale last night and then I recalled something!! The scale thing seemed to start after I had finally got my tank to cycle my nitrates were super high  I cannot remember but if was high. I did water changes and my cycle stopped  the nitrates seem to be a common denominator?

It look me a very very long time to cycle my tank. I was doing water changes nearby daily for months because I kept seeing ammonia. I’m a slow learner!

Ph 7.6

Ammonia 0

nitrites 0

nitrates 50

Adding the poop pic! My family isn’t interested!!

thank you!

(pics not great the reflection but trust me, a lot  )D75CAC5D-63B2-4075-8804-F808AB66A5E5.jpeg.0d216886b98005cbe5046badee95479e.jpegEAAF6A73-0344-4331-8FAC-FC74064C91BD.jpeg.ac2a72a798ed194927e0107966cc867f.jpeg293FAA0D-26C7-4411-A23C-560B1045E05E.jpeg.5c422622734a322b12ee7a520d7be23f.jpeg




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On 8/16/2022 at 11:37 AM, laritheloud said:

I'm in love with him. I want a huge tank with goldfish in my living room. Someday, when the kids are old enough to not need their tower of toys anymore...

Awwwe thanks! He is really fun when I’m not worrying. I only have 40 gallons now. He had a little friend but she passed away a few months ago so I’d love to get him another. I’d love a bunch too but 😬 

My kids are over 20’s…..I recall the towers!!! I’m sure you’d be great with them since you already know what you’re doing!!! Lol! It’s been a slow road for me. I’m a nurse and I think I’m fairly educated but man, I’ve messed up along the way. 

He is doing great tonight!!! Much much more active. 

I’d like to see your guys!

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@TabethLooks like pretty normal, post-pea, goldie poop to me.  It’s completely normal to have some variation in color and texture of the poops.  You should see the bring, green honkers my biggest angelfish sometimes pops out.  He seems to like picking at the hair algae (I’ve neglected) the most.

When I have owners switch their birds to pelleted food, if they have a sweet “tooth” there’s a couple very fruity brands I’ll recommend.  I always warn them their bird may poop all red or all orange or all green, etc, some days.  Birds will take a notion to eat all the same color pellets at once sometimes, so their poop will change color to match.  That’s why I suggested feeding him exactly the same thing for about a week solid to see what it does to his poops.  If he’s on a completely consistent food for a solid week and still has inconsistent poops, then we need to have a different discussion.  If poops are consistently the same after a week, then intestinal parasites are MUCH less likely (especially after all the deworming you’ve already done).

I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned that it’s completely normal for goldfish to loose scales sometimes.  As long as there isn’t persistent scale loss at one location, or scale loss doesn’t make visible lesions that start spreading, it isn’t anything to worry about.

Edited by Odd Duck
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Hi! I was rereading one of my last messages and he wasnt going to the top of the tank at all. Today he has been! Is it normal? He never hung out up there.  It doesn't look like he's gasping but just hanging still...and then swims off etc. How much time should he be up there

should I have been treating with another dose of treatment? LIke the general cure or something? or not because there aren't any parasites noted. 


Thank you!

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This morning he was all over the place! I guess he’s just doing something new perhaps? He becomes very still like he’s sleeping. Not gasping but just under the water and would swim off. If I approach the tank he swims right off. 

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