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How Do You Keep Baby Brine Shrimp?


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I just "brewed up" a batch of baby brine shrimp for my nano fish. I'm curious to hear how folks keep them after hatching. I usually just refrigerate them in salt water for a few days and then make a new batch. I've been reading on Google that some folks keep them longer by aerating the water (though I'm not sure how I would run an air pump in the fridge....).Anyway, I just like to hear how other folks do things. Thanks!

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I feed some live but I mostly feed bottom feeders so I make small ice cubes with them mixed with spirulina powder.  I imagine you could add spirulina to a hatch to keep them for several days.  As for aeration in a fridge Aquarium Coop has a couple great options for air in a fridge (that you don't want to drill a hole in).


If you have a power-pack this one will run longer (depending on the size of the pack).



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I have to make BBS every day. I freeze some and I have a 5 gallon bucket that I put any left in there. It has an air stone. I put the water the hatched in there most of the time but when the water falls due to evaporation I put fresh water in because i don’t want it to salty. I do feed them yeast, just a little tiny bit. They seem to do ok. I started after I saw Cory had his brine growing in a pond(tub) before he moved. I mostly use ones I hatch on fry or getting fish ready to breed. The one in the bucket get much bigger and are to big for fry. Those are a treat for the adults.  I have to also say once and awhile I do have a die off. I think because of not clgetting enough clean water. Waste gets built up. Also over population they will produce more. image.jpg.34ca900150355bf2272a769890dd9172.jpg

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On 7/29/2022 at 5:51 PM, Brandon p said:

I have to make BBS every day. I freeze some and I have a 5 gallon bucket that I put any left in there. It has an air stone. I put the water the hatched in there most of the time but when the water falls due to evaporation I put fresh water in because i don’t want it to salty. I do feed them yeast, just a little tiny bit. They seem to do ok. I started after I saw Cory had his brine growing in a pond(tub) before he moved. I mostly use ones I hatch on fry or getting fish ready to breed. The one in the bucket get much bigger and are to big for fry. Those are a treat for the adults.  I have to also say once and awhile I do have a die off. I think because of not clgetting enough clean water. Waste gets built up. Also over population they will produce more. image.jpg.34ca900150355bf2272a769890dd9172.jpg

Do brine shrimp need light regularly? I love this idea, but I would have lid the bucket (small children around). I love the idea of having a colony to feed out to my adult tanks. 

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