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Pea puffers and a female betta in a 10g?


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Hey all,

Just wondering if anyone has some experienced advice for this scenario. Currently running a fairly heavily planted 10g with two pea puffers, a few harlequin rasboras, a male Endler or two. Just curious whether adding a female betta to the mix is a recipe for disaster (it’s a desk tank, so the betta would be nice to watch). The puffers both cohabitate with each other nicely, and aren’t really irratated by the rasboras or Endlers. Lots of plant cover and some big rocks that break line of sight. I know a male betta would be a no-go, but maybe a female would be nimble enough to hold her own?  

Just curious if anyone has tried this and could give advice. Thanks! 

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My experience with a female betta is she murdered everything she could (in a 5gal, 10gal & 45gal) so based of that I don't recommend mixing bettas with other fish but other people have different experiences. Puffers can also be fin nippers/aggressive so...

If you try just be prepared to potentially move her back out if needed.

Edited by Dancing Matt
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I would definitely recommend against this, as someone who has kept both species and observed them being kept in the same tank at a local fish store. They were in a 20 gallon at the pet store and all the puffers trapped the betta in one cave and would attack him whenever he strayed out of the cave. Even with it being a female betta, I think she would be too slow to get away from them and the tank would be too small, she would be constantly stressed. The only way I would try this out would be in a 40gallon tank or larger. 10 gallons would be way too small for this experiment in my opinion. 

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I think puffers have to be the stars of their tanks and may not like sharing the limelight. 

As both these fish types will want your attention they aren't going to be able to avoid each other.

If the puffers find out the Bettas fins are tasty she is doomed. 

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