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Greetings from Chicago!


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Hi all - back in the 80s when I was a teenager I had a fish obsession, and little idea what I was doing. I had community tanks, cichlids, even smelly hermit crabs at one point. Had no idea about nitrogen/water chemistry, never had live plants, came across about every disease possible. I had 1 other fish friend, but he was mostly into salt water. Some of my other "friends" would mock my fish nerdiness. Fortunately my Mom was always very encouraging. When I moved out, the hobby died. 

But when I discovered a co-worker of mine that had a 150 gallon tank - I was like "whoa!" they make them that big? Boy have things changed. He got my interest going again, and I started researching online - wow. Info overload! So thankful I found the Co-op - I love Cory's approach and ability to distill complex topics in a way that makes sense to us hobbyists. 

I picked up and 10g and 20g long to dip my toes in (Petco sale) - and am doing live plant tank cycling now. I've always had a green thumb in the yard and hope that translates to tanks. Am loving it - and unlike when I was kid, am not going to rush anything. The sound of bubbling tanks in my home office is bringing back lots of good memories and the "wonder" factor. 

Good to be here! 

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