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Green spotted Congo puffer


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Hello,can anyone guide me to what would be the best medicine to use for my green spotted Congo puffer? I notice yesterday he didn’t eat all of his snails and usually gobbles them up.today he is not eating at all and he’s been surfing the glass and hiding. His belly is not sunken in, but big. He looks like a nugget. He’s pretty much always been a little butter ball, but now I’m wondering if there’s IP that I’m dealing with. Please help! 

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Before adding meds, I would suggest starting with the water parameters. Make sure that something hasn't changed that could be stressing out your puffer. Besides nitrogen levels, this could include activity from other fish in the tank, or even something like a stray electrical current. 

If everything checks out and seems to be okay, you could try to treat for internal parasites by getting some Expel-P and following the dosing directions. 

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