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  1. Hello,can anyone guide me to what would be the best medicine to use for my green spotted Congo puffer? I notice yesterday he didn’t eat all of his snails and usually gobbles them up.today he is not eating at all and he’s been surfing the glass and hiding. His belly is not sunken in, but big. He looks like a nugget. He’s pretty much always been a little butter ball, but now I’m wondering if there’s IP that I’m dealing with. Please help!
  2. Hello, I need some advice, I bought a used 125 gallon tank that needs a really good cleaning. I would like to have a fahaka puffer, but I’m not sure of something’s like. The filtration, what would be good for this puffer? Food, I’ve read what to feed puffers, but not how much in one setting and how often? Thank you, Patti 🙂
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