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First House NEW TANK!!


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Well used tank, but 75 gallons! Biggest tank I’ve ever done and my 2 year old loves the fish in my 15 gallon. Building this for him as much as me. I want Angelfish and Rainbows in a community setup. Does anyone have any suggestions on angelfish setups? From how to arrange the decor, to the keeping of the actual fish. I have two thriving small planted aquariums and am really looking forward to getting this setup now that we have the space! Would like some bottom dwellers to go along with the angels as well as a potential school of smaller (but not snack sized) tetra or other fish. Looking forward to everyone’s thoughts and setups!



Edited by zayackylepga
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So, minus the rainbows, this is quite similar to my current setup. I have a 75 g heavily planted with Echinodorus species (various species of swords to the rear behind the hardscape and tenellum/chain sword (I know, technically no longer echinodorus in the foreground). I've left the front third open with decorative sand to keep open swimming space. I have stocked it with 6 Leopoldi Angelfish (significantly smaller than the normal scalare angelfish, though a bit more boisterous), cardinal tetras, diamond tetras, ember tetras, and a par of apistos, and some otos and juvenile siamese algae eaters (the SAE will move to another tank as adults). I had lots of Amano Shrimp but the Leopoldi made them into expensive snacks.

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Angels are pretty docile until they pair off and want to start mating, so just keep that in mind for your smaller fish. Sounds like your ideas for your tank are on the right track.  Add your favorite species of Corydoras and a small species of Pleco for your bottom dwellers. You have a good start on your community tank. 

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