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Apistgramma and Peacock Gudgeons


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I've set up a 75g planted. I have some small rainbow fish, longfin white clouds and platinum halfbeaks! I'll add others as I go along. I put my apistgramma pair in there. She will spawn. As she has a few times in a 20g long! I have lots of hiding places and many breaks in line of sight. I want to add some peacock gudgeons! Because they are bottom dwellers how safe is it for me to do? The peacocks will spawn as well. Both species are known for having to remove the female after spawning! Can these 2 species get along in the 75g even during spawning? 

Edited by Sandy
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In terms of display, this isn't an issue as long as the peacocks have their own places to hide. If you're looking for this as a breeding setup, then I would recommend against it solely so that you could get the most success with spawning these species without putting stress on either of the parents as both of these species can/will raise their young and offspring. Once an apisto pair spawn, depending on the species, removing the female isn't the best idea as she tends to be the one to rear the eggs and fry. Some species more so need the male moved if the female is showing aggression protecting her young.

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Thank you, yes sorry I did say female. I meant male. The peacocks will have a different setup then. The amount of babies I get isn't the issue. But the stress! So I'll put them in my 15g orb. They will do great in there! Have a great day and thanks again 😊 

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Most bottom feeders is going to create conflict with a female apisto that is breeding. About the only one i would try would be pygmy cory since they have a tendency to learn where not to go. Now you could safely add some top feeders like ember tetra or pencil fishes.

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thank you for the advice! I'm not adding any bottom feeders now. I'm going to put the peacocks in my Orb. It's a 15g with rice fish. I'm not even putting my BN in the 75g because they've proven they like to snack on my sword plants. 

Thanks again for your help 


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