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Multi species breeding

Bobby H

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Hi just looking for thoughts on maximizing my breeding tanks, species that could work in the same space.  ,Currently have angelfish, platys, swords, cherry shrimp, bristlenose, guppies, hillstream loach, rainbowfish

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On 6/2/2022 at 4:55 PM, Bobby H said:

platys, swords

Not these 2 lol! I thought I remembered reading these 2 couldn’t breed together. I ended up with some weird hybrid when I put them together 

On 6/2/2022 at 4:55 PM, Bobby H said:

bristlenose, guppies

I was going to do guppies and bn. The way these two fish breed I figured it would be a bad mix for me. They both breed like crazy and they’re would be babies everywhere real quick. Sooo many water changes lol! 

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Whatever tank I put black bar endlers in, they breed. I just throw them in with some floating plants and suddenly there are fry, enough that the other fish don't impact their numbers in way that I'm concerned about. However, I don't tend to put them in with fast, voracious eaters like barbs. I've been keeping them with apistos, tetras, plecos, etc.

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