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Which of these is your favourite combo.
Active Rainbow Community
Yellow/Orange Platies
Blue Zebra Danios
Red Cherry Barbs
Breeding Activity Tank
Cherry Barbs  
Bristlenose Pleco
Panda Corydora  
Algae Free Community
Amano Shrimp  
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On 5/18/2022 at 10:31 AM, Theplatymaster said:

Both, im wondering for my 20gal high with 11 platies and a sponge filter

Being you already have 20 Platy's already the last option you have minus the Otto's would be my recommendation. Also, not familiar with the RHL acronym. 

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Keep in mind that Platy's will produce tons and tons of babies once they are mature (which they look to be) and the tank contains both males and females. Going with Amano's would add variance and a low bioload, but you'll have to be sure to keep up with water params when the Platy population booms. 

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On 5/18/2022 at 10:40 AM, Tihshho said:

Keep in mind that Platy's will produce tons and tons of babies once they are mature (which they look to be) and the tank contains both males and females. Going with Amano's would add variance and a low bioload, but you'll have to be sure to keep up with water params when the Platy population booms. 

Do you think it would be safe to add some nerites/mystery snails to this mix

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