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So after about a week living with the new resident Gourami only one of 5 Endler males would dare venture out from the bottom corners of the tank. This was not a good situation for any involved. A discussion was had with Intrepid Partner (well really I was just saying my thoughts outloud) that the Endlers would have to be rehomed anyway because they are too small for the 196 gallon and potential bigger bully fish. So I spent a good portion of a Saturday afternoon catching out the endlers to put them in a QT. Wouldn't you know the last one was so hard to catch because he was fast (and the least colored so hard to find) I had to eventually take out ALL the plants and most of the hardscape in order to find and catch him. Once everyone was in a QT they started acting more normal - but for the last Endler I spent so much time catching, he started swimming sideways - I'm 90% sure I didn't hurt him in trying to catch him I was hoping it was stress and he'd get over it eventually? 

The Accidental Tank now being completely rearranged with just Kirby and Dyson the 2 Hillstreams, a smattering of snails, and Flame Gourami (still yet to get a name). 




The Endlers were in QT through Sunday and on Monday morning I put them in an old Betta cup with a plant and a piece of Poly Filter to keep ammonia at bay for the day. My Mum picked them up from me (I was at work) so that she can give them a home in my old Medieval Tank which is now her tank along with her 1 resident Guppy, Tetras and shrimp (and a lone Kuhli). The 5th Endler was still not doing hot so I'm hoping once they all settle in to the Medieval where it's warmer (77.5 degrees per my Mum) he'll come back to us. It was a lot of moving around for a little fish. 

Everyone in the Angry Man doing well, even Fin the Black Neon with a partial tailfin. My Harlequins, ever bright and beautiful. I can't wait to see them in a bigger tank, with more friends. 



In the Parent Tank, female Albino Longfin Seraph has taken over the male's filter and is also posing in the same position, upside down. It's a pleco thing I guess: 


Not to worry, there's another sponge filter, so he was there: 


Love my beautiful little Otos....


Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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