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Fry As Live Food?


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I was reading through a tropical fish breeding book I got at a thrift store. It is from 1993, and in the introduction it is covering all the different strategies and requirements for a lot of different fish. It mentions the difficulty of breeding and raising leaf fish, saying that blue gouramis fry are required for feeding. Is this a thing? Have any of you intentionally bred fish to use their fry as live food for other fry?20201016_200555.jpg.13b56ca30178be4f7703765121263509.jpg

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I don't intentionally do it, but I have not as of yet done much to protect my molly and swordtail fry from the parents or the angelfish.  Some would probably like to tar and feather me, but I see it as nature.  I have been working to give the fry a nice green hiding field so they can have some type of fighting chance.  I've never heard of fish ONLY eating a specific breed of fry.

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