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Endler Breeding


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Hey all,

I’m thinking of breeding some endlers for my first fish to breed. For the fun and to maybe make a little bit of extra money. The only problem is I’m very busy, and I worry about the feeding schedule of the fry. I’m not too worried about getting them to breed but fry need to be fed a lot. Here are a few questions:

-How often would I have to feed them?

-Are there any good alternatives other than live baby brine shrimp?

-Do mothers often die after giving birth? I read that the process can be very stressful for them 

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i typically just crushed up flake food into powder with my fingers for endlers/guppy fry.  for the first week or two, ideally 3 small feedings a day, but 1 in the morning, and 1 at night works fine too. bonus if you have plants, as they can pick micro organisms off the plants lessening the need to feed.

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For endless and guppies you can crush you flakes. I have endless in my pond and never feed them including the babies. If you have a super clean tank you can feed them when you have a chance. If I’m going to be gone a day or 2 I might toss a shrimp pellet in. They will feed off that .

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