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Kulhi loach blisters/lesions


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Hi guys,

thanks in advance for your help. My Kuhli loach has blisters, lumps and legions all over its body. This has progressed over a couple of weeks and I think the only reason it is still alive is because I have been dosing the tank with tri sulpha tablets and broad spectrum remedy (I’m in Australia so we don’t have access to the same fish meds) . All the other fish in the tank look healthy and fine including the other loach. I suspect it’s columnaris as about 6 months ago I lost a loach with some lesions on its belly and a few months ago some of my rasboras had some saddleback type white stuff which I treated and is all better now. Is there anything else I can do for this fish? It’s holding on but I feel very sorry for it it’s mostly just staying still and breathes heavily. I don’t know what to do. The tank is a 70 Litre planted tank, ammonia : 0 nitrites 0 nitrates are 5 and PH is about 6.8-7.0  Gh 7. 
Any advice would be appreciated. 


Also the clamped fins are not new the fish already had them when I got it over a year ago

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I think your dealing with a  viral infections I would Qarantine this fish all you can do is Keep treating with the medication you have on hand to provent secondary infection if can get hold of antibiotic medication from a vet such kanamycin minocycline they would be a better treatment options 

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Thanks so much for replying Colu, 

The little fella passed away overnight. Do you recommend I continue treating the whole tank for a bit now that he is gone in case the disease is still in the tank or stop? The others all look fine. 

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On 4/29/2022 at 2:39 AM, Goshfush said:

Thanks so much for replying Colu, 

The little fella passed away overnight. Do you recommend I continue treating the whole tank for a bit now that he is gone in case the disease is still in the tank or stop? The others all look fine. 

As it's more than likely a viral infection I wouldn't treat the other fish  I would recommend getting hold of seachems kanaplex you can order it off eBay just in case any other fish start to display symptoms it will  only help to provent secondary infection caused by the viral infection weaken your fish immune

Edited by Colu
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