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Betta Imbellis Breeding Setup

Fish Folk

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Awesome upload! I really love the baffle you made for your sponge filter. Have you made any posts about it before? I've been playing with my own builds and somehow never thought to  use the airline on my sponge as one of the possible anchors, mostly acrylic dowels or bamboo skewers attached to suction cups and then sealed airline tubing with jump rings.

I love wild bettas but have never been able to bite the bullet on one because importers scare me and I can't get them locally lol.

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On 4/4/2022 at 10:41 PM, ange said:

Awesome upload! I really love the baffle you made for your sponge filter. Have you made any posts about it before? I've been playing with my own builds and somehow never thought to  use the airline on my sponge as one of the possible anchors, mostly acrylic dowels or bamboo skewers attached to suction cups and then sealed airline tubing with jump rings.

I love wild bettas but have never been able to bite the bullet on one because importers scare me and I can't get them locally lol.

I've been keeping a journal about the Betta Imbellis on the Forum here...


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nice setup, a few suggestions if you are willing;

1. i use a clean tank with plastic pipe or flower pots for hiding places, floating and sinking pipes are both used. everything else is removed. this makes it much easier to pull the female, then the male when the time is right. if there is alot of stuff in the tank, it is hard to do without disturbing everything.

2. use a floating piece of yellow translucent plastic for the nest. I use yellow PP lids from yogurt containers. color resembles a leaf and will stay floating. sometimes the leaf will sink before job is done and may have some bacteria. a lid yellow lid that lets the light through will let the male check the eggs and tend the nest.

3. your breeding chimney is good, but I use one that is a mesh type so the two can not contact but the hormones can flow back and forth and the pair can really sense each other.

4. sometimes i prepare a tray type tank and then pull the fry as soon as they get tails. they will hatch fine on their own. depends on the males tending skills.

5. I use vinegar eels with first bites starting about 2~3 days after tails. the eels will stay in the water column and be ready for the fry to eat when they are hungry.

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