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Is my Bolivian Ram sick.

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Got a couple Bolivian Rams about a week ago. Just noticed this guy is sitting on the ground. Is that okay? He was kinda puffing out his gills too. He seems fine now, cuz I scared him with my phone...

Water tests fine.

76 deg

0 chlorine

6.8 ph 

60 kh 

300 GH 

0 nitrite 

20 nitrate








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My smaller ram looks similar when he's getting bullied by the larger one so it could be something as simple as that.

Based on the photo yours doesn't have any obvious external signs of illness (with the gill puffing I would also give a thorough check for redness/difficulty breathing) but I would definitely try to rule out something internal. How is his appetite? Have you noticed what his poop looks like? Both can help for diagnosing the issue.

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If you can, take a video of both fish.  If you have two males it could be a territory issue.  Having hides for both on opposing sides of the tank may resolve that issue (flat base, 3 walls, generally)

I would dose some salt right away just because you're seeing some issues with oxygenation. Try to hand feed some blood worms or something and see how the behavior is.

When my ram started acting this way it was temperature related. Try slightly increasing it (if you can) just a degree to see if you notice any improvement.  (probably best to do this before you add anything so you can ensure one variable changes at a time)


The lack of coloration is what looks concerning to me.

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I think it may just be that he was hiding from the other BR. This one is def not the dominant. The other one is bigger and more colorful. I've got quite a bit of hiding places in there, couple logs and lots of Jungle Val, and Java Ferns and Moss. But I'll set up something specifically for the rams like suggested.

I was thinking I might have over fed them... Do fish do the same thing people do if they eat too much? Like fall asleep on the couch? There's a school of Diamond Tetras in there with 'em, and I wasn't sure if they were getting food past the Tetras, so I put a pinch of pellets in there. Thought maybe he was trying to digest a couple of those big, crunch pellets he gobbled up.

They both seem to be doing fine now. They're bottom fins are nice and pink and they're bellies are yellow.

Edited by Corbidorbidoodle
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On 4/1/2022 at 10:22 AM, Corbidorbidoodle said:

They both seem to be doing fine now. They're bottom fins are nice and pink and they're bellies are yellow.

Good to hear.

In the picture shown (perhaps you can show more of both rams and where they like to hang out) is there any way to add a piece of mopani or something like that above the ram as an arch to give him  a bit of a hide?  Another great option might be some terra cotta pots from the store (home depot had some flat side walled ones I really liked) and you can just have it on it's side in the tank.

The coloration indicator for me when I had my rams was the strength of the yellow on their belly and the blue lines on their fins. Here is a good example of what you "should see" if the ram is doing ok.


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On 4/1/2022 at 10:22 AM, Corbidorbidoodle said:

Do fish do the same thing people do if they eat too much? Like fall asleep on the couch? There's a school of Diamond Tetras in there with 'em, and I wasn't sure if they were getting food past the Tetras, so I put a pinch of pellets in there

Definitely could be what was going on, but it looked like a ram that was hiding more than anything. That's the body language I got and video of course would help (or just more photos).

Rams are generally really good about eating and not over eating.  They like to hunt in their zone and sift around in the substrate. Having a food that drops in their zone would be a good way to handle it. Drop a pinch of food for the normal feeding, then a smaller sinking type of food (vibra bites, sinking pellets, etc.) would be something that the rams enjoy and they can eat easily.

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They both have a pointy dorsal and anal fin with what look to be caudal fins that at the edges come to points are not rounded that want to form trailers. The mid body is very round so they are well fed males I think. Females usually have a rounded tip to the anal fin which aides in reproduction ie egg laying. 

Here's a link with pics from my old stomping ground Monster Fishkeepers. Bolivian Ram Gender | MonsterFishKeepers.com

Edited by Beardedbillygoat1975
link, doh!
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On 4/1/2022 at 3:52 PM, Corbidorbidoodle said:

Here's that video clip. Shows the two rams being pals.


Not totally sure how to get videos on here... Hopefully this works.

Awesome tank. It's kind of funny because they are little buddies and roaming around acting like they are trying to decide if they are a pair or not.



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