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Algae help

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Can anyone help me identify this algae and any recommendations on how to get rid of it? I have lowered the light (fluval 3.0) to 60par, I've been lightly dosing easy carbon and have stopped ferts altogether for the past 2 weeks due to higher than normal nitrates. Was using easy green, was hoping the plants would eat up more of the nitrates. Also being careful with the carbon since I have anarchis in the tank. Upped my water changes from once to twice a week. It's only appearing currently on the slower growing plants (buce, anubias, cryptolucians) but it has spread quite a bit. 

Test done today-

Ph 7.4, amm 0, trite 0, trates 40ppm

36 gallon, planted, 2 ebr's, 13 neon tetras, 2 ottos and 4 baby mollies (ps, ottos and mollies are not touching it)




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