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Tell Me About Swordtails: Yea or Nay?


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I have been ogling the koi sanke swordtails I've seen online for some time, and was wondering if they'd be a good choice for my summer tub. I figured they'd be big enough to show up in a 110 gallon and brightly colored enough to be visible. Pros or cons, from those of you who have kept them? They would need to live in a 20g with platies and guppies when they come back in for the winter. 




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Thank you. Great photos and they really highlight why I'd like to put some fish that are not dark blue platies in my tub 🙂 I want that orange and red!

I think I have to admit I do not have space for more than two males when they come back inside if the males are feisty with each other, and from what I've read that is a possibility once they are stuck back in a 20g.

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