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Betta lying at the bottom


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Hi last night I noticed my 3-year old betta fish Bibbles lying face down in some plants.  I gave him a gentle nudge and he skittered across the tank and lied down again.  This morning he's doing the same, breathing but lying on his side at the bottom.  With another nudge today he went up to his leave near the surface and lied sideways on that, then slipped down again.  

You may see he's got a big thing above his left eye.  He's always had that.  He had a rough beginning, was more of a rescue.  Two months ago he acted like this, lying around, but not as desperate-looking, since perked up like normal.

I'm wondering if I should quarantine and give antibiotics.  

I don't have all the stats people typically give, like pH and buffer, but here's what I do have.

20 gallon tank, live plants, one betta and six neon tetras.  I do 20-25% weekly water changes.

Nitrites - 0 ppm

Ammonia - 0 ppm

Nitrates - 20-30 ppm stable.

Water temp - 72-73F


Thanks in advance





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Temperature on the low side for Bettas they do best at 80-82 to low of a temperature can affect the immune system I would add an extra air stone if he's still eating  treat with kanaplex food and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and  antifungal properties usually when fish are very lethargic they are putting all of their effort into fighting an infection


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Thanks - I was wrong on the temp I have a heater that keeps it in the mid-70s I believe.  


He's not eating, so I don't think I can give medicated food.  I was thinking I'd put him in a 10 gal quarantine tank and give antibiotics.   


I'll add an air stone and try to find almond leaves.  Thanks for your help.

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Alright, I've got my quarantine set up, and I have Maracyn, Paracleanse, and Ich-X.  According to these instructions:


I am to use a lower dose and frequency than recommended on the packages.  Also, at the bottom it says if my fish is "very weak," to start with just Maracyn.  It specifies that it's still at the reduced dose, one packet for one week.  Here's a pic of my guy, he perked up for the transfer but went right down to the bottom.  

So I've just put one packet of Maracyn in. Should I wait a week if he continues to look like this?



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On 3/16/2022 at 11:36 PM, mckboy said:

Alright, I've got my quarantine set up, and I have Maracyn, Paracleanse, and Ich-X.  According to these instructions:


I am to use a lower dose and frequency than recommended on the packages.  Also, at the bottom it says if my fish is "very weak," to start with just Maracyn.  It specifies that it's still at the reduced dose, one packet for one week.  Here's a pic of my guy, he perked up for the transfer but went right down to the bottom.  

So I've just put one packet of Maracyn in. Should I wait a week if he continues to look like this?



Maracyn is only effective at treating external bacterial infections unless you add it to food kanaplex is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment and is adsorbed thought the skin and gills some it's a good treatment for when fish aren't eating I would treat with kanaplex and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons as the salt aids Gill function and adds essential electrolytes med trio more of a proventive treatment 

Edited by Colu
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