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Pricing Fish for Swap Meet


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Hell everyone! Long time, no post (on my part). I have a question for the collective mind. I am attending my first swap meet in March and plan on selling some fish and plants. How should I go about pricing my fish and plants? I asked another group and the answer I got was "Less than retail" which is helpful, but I'm still not sure what to do. So for example, if a swordtail is about $3 retail, should I price mine for $2? See what I'm saying? Help a confused fishkeeper out! 


Thanks in advance, everyone

Edited by umfalcon
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To quote S. Covey, begin with the end in mind.  

in this case why are you selling fish?  Why at a swap meet? The answer may be different if you are making room in your tank than if you are trying to make cash to buy that new tank.  If you are clear what your goal is, then you can you can price with that in mind.

i would also provide discounts for purchasing multiple fish.  If a sword retails for $3.00, you could sell a single fish for $2.75, and 5 for $10, and 10 for $15.  

finally, what can you get if you selling to your lfs?  If you can get 50% of retail at your lfs, that’s your floor.  (Unless you are just making room for new fish)



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