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Can I put a female flagfish in with some small blue neon tetras?


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Can I put a female American flagfish in with some small neon tetras?

My betta was chasing my flagfish, so I moved her to the guppy community tank. Then the betta got bored so rearranged the betta tank and I moved some guppy fry to the betta tank, because the fry are much faster than the betta. The fry and betta seems happy together.

Now I am no longer seeing any new fry in the guppy tank, and I think the flagfish is behind this.  The guppy tank is full of pregnant females that look like they will explode. I can not tell if they are postponing giving birth, or some are giving birth and the flagfish is gobbling them.  I don't need a lot of guppy fry, but a few are fun to see and watch.

My new 10 gallon tank has cycled with 4 medium sponge filters and I moved the 12 little tetras there yesterday.  Water tested all zeros today after feeding them last night.

Can I move the female flagfish in with the tetras? The flagfish is not full grown, and I am feeding the tank lightly to protect the cycle. 

What go you Nerms think? Will the tetras be safe? Will the cycle be safe? 

All thoughts are very welcome ! (I love this friendly, supportive, knowledgeable forum, where I can ask dumb questions and get kind responses)

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