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My betta’s well-being


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My betta has a lump on his side that has been growing since November. I’m assuming it’s an internal tumor. He still eats and swims, but he doesn’t swim nearly as much as he use to. He mostly rests in his floating log or on the bottom of the tank. I’m worried about his comfort/quality of life. What do you all think would be best for him?



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My personal opinion is if he's still eating and still able to go where he wants to go, I see no issue with keeping him alive. I would personally only euthanize my fish if it had an ailment that was causing it visible distress or if it wasn't able to eat and was slowly starving to death. Of course it all comes down to what the owner believes is best. I'm sure my opinion differs from some of the other caring fish owners on this forum. If you do decide to euthanize, as you may know, clove oil would be your best method, as it would put the fish to sleep without causing your fish any distress. Whatever you choose, you can rest easy knowing you've truly cared for him.

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Cancerous tumors in Betta fish are pretty rare so there's a possibility its not that. Has he had trouble swimming or been floating at all? Could be swim bladder maybe? Any which way you slice it there are things you can try. I would try dosing so aquarium salts. It may do nothing but it certainly won't hurt. Just be advised with salts that it can affect live plants or invertebrates. As long as he's eating I agree with the other posters that that is the best indicator he's still feeling pretty ok. Hope this helps.

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