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Cory Laid Eggs!!!


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Hello! I just saw my green Cory lay bunches of eggs in my aquarium. It’s a ten gallon with some tetras (rosys and black phantoms, two other Cory’s, and a couple rasboras). I have never had baby fish before so I have no clue what to do but very excited!

I noticed when we got the Cory it was very fat but they never told us anything, and have had her for 2ish weeks. Added a bunch of plants yesterday, but some of them got uprooted and her eggs are on them, is that ok? They are also on the walls and some other plants.

I have so many questions:

when will they hatch

can they stay in that aquarium with the other fish

is having an aerator fine and do I need a sponge filter

should I leave the uprooted plants


do I need another tank for them?

how many should I expect

how Should I do water changes

temperatue? (Right now it is at around 76.2 degrees)

and many more hahah 

I read that I have to take them out but I only have a little one gallon bowl right now and I don’t want to hurt them… so any tips 

Since I got her from the store recently she just laid and they are a whitish color, is that ok? Because some people said they should be more beige

Any information is much appreciated!

Edited by Fishy101
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Thanks. Here are some photos. I heard that if they are a whitish/translucent they are not fertilized, and since I’m not sure if I have males in my tank I’m not sure. When I got her I think she was already pregnant though… so not sure. Since they were just hatched is this normal and should I just watch them or are they not fertilized? 




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