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Help with mysterious disease


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I am back on the hobby after years inactive because of my favorite fish 😭 died after 5 years with me. It was my favorite angel fish. I decided to start over and I’ve got some guppies from a pet store on the end of November and some feeder endlers too. Some of them unfortunately died and the ones that remained I have treated with the med trio. They are in the quarantine tank. They seem to be doing good, eating and they are pretty active and I even got some fries during this period but there’s one of the guppy that I can’t figure out what disease it has. I have tried to see if I could find any pictures on Google or any article but I haven’t found anything similar to it. Thank you guys for reading my post and I hope Ican finally help my guppy.  ( it is a challenge to get good pictures with guppies they swim very fast ☺️)



Edited by Fishdream37
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Hi @Fishdream37, welcome to the forum. 

I'm looking at your fishy and I can't see anything from the pictures. Can you describe what you are seeing physically as well as visually (meaning behavior if any)? Do you suspect what your others may have passed of? Or can you say what their symptoms were as well?  It will also help us if you test your water to post it and a picture of the whole set up sometimes that also helps us diagnose what is going on. There's a lot of us that like to help! I know it can be hard to take pics of these little guys they never stop moving!

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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@xXInkedPhoenixX Hi 👋 and thank you so much for reading. Their behavior seems pretty normal. They are swimming well no problem at all for eating. I noticed on one of the guppies when I brought it home it had those weird pattern on its fin. It was a large white spot on the fin and then after the med trio it became a little yellow and another one grew on the same fin. Now It has got a large yellow spot and I large white spot. I hope you can see it on the pictures. About the water parameters: Gh: 300 ppm Ph: 7.2 Temp: 78F. KH 80 ppm. Nitrite 0. Nitrates 0. ammonia 0. It’s a 10 Gallons aquarium.






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Well my friend I don't think you have a problem from what I can see and what you've reported to me (I could be wrong but with what I've got so far I don't think so). What it looks like on MY end is that your guppy has coloring on their tail- maybe it wasn't that way before because it was sick and stressed, maybe even too young. If the coloring is flat and kind of shimmery/metallic looking I think that's just your guppy's tail coloring up for you. 

Now, how old is the tank? I'm a little concerned that it has no nitrates which says to me your tank is really new- or it's just a QT that doesn't have cycled material. You had a fish before so I'm sure you know about a cycle. Since they just got over their illness just watch the parameters really close if this is their permanent tank as you are now in the thick of a fish-in cycle- you don't want them to get sick again- I've done fish-in cycles a fair amount they can be simple if you're diligent. 

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Oh that’s good 😊! I feel a little bit relieved. I was wondering if it was something because those spots are so irregular and the coloration as well that I thought something was wrong I have never seen it before that way. Anyway It’s a new setup quarantine tank because I wanted to go back in the hobby and I have forgotten few things. I am learning everything again specially because I moved to U.S. and everything here is different and nowadays we have so many different things and technology to help us out than it was before. I am researching for example about the deep substrate and fish in cycle. My tank was setup on November of last year I am working on setting up others tanks in the meantime but not with fish on those. I will follow your advice and take a close look on the water parameters to not let them be sick again. Thank you so much my friend!

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What I suspect is possible is that you might have a guppy/endler hybrid as endlers tend to have those irregular irridescent spots that aren't in any sort of pattern and different colors on their tail. I have a few Endlers that have neat colored spots- I don't have any great pics because as you might realize fish like these don't sit still but maybe a picture will help you see this is probably what it is (and you can of course internet search plenty of hybrid pictures) : Resized_20220203_191857.jpg.69bf89dfa2c3e932bc3964a75165e266.jpg

It's hard to tell in the picture but that particular fish has a spot that is kind of yellow with green flashes near the base of the tail at the body. I have others that have irregular spots. It is what makes them unique. So if you're guppy is a hybrid then yes it's not going to have the pattern like a regular guppy would. 

We have LOTS of different kinds of fishkeepers here. If you want to see some awesome things with deep (organic) substrate and tannins @Streetwise is a good one to look for in journals he has some incredible tanks. Everything from very low tech (I'm in low tech) all the way up to VERY high tech. Lots of helpful people. You'll get differing opinions but that's because there are so many options in fishkeeping- just go with what works for you the best but do lots of research first THEN decide. It's part of what makes the hobby so much fun. 🙂 

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