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Greetings from Ginger’s fish house

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Hi fishy folks. This is Ginger Graves. My YouTube name is my real name, so I’ll stick with that here. I have 30+ fish tanks ranging in size from a couple of gallons to a 125. I also have tubs outside.

I’ve been in the hobby for only 3 & 1/2 years. MTS hit me hard! I blame finding Cory and the rest of the FishFam on YouTube. They opened me up to all these cool fish I just had to try. It turns out I love nano fish and community tanks best, although I do have two Oscars and 5 goldfish. Some of my favorite fish are shelldwellers and apistos and Kribs.



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Welcome Ginger,


I'm jealous, I can't get my albino kribs to breed for me lately. They keep digging and I'm feeding them live baby brine and other foods daily... I think they know how bad I want to see the babies lol. 

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Hello everyone, I’m a relatively new hobbyist and already have 4 tanks. I love guppies and other easy to keep fish. I am limited to the number of tanks because I’m in my bedroom in my parents house so I do the most I can with what I have. Cory has helped me keep fish and be successful. I’m setting up my first high light planted tank. I’m looking forward to making friends and talking fish! Have a great rest of your day!

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Alrighty I'm in!! Hi my name is Dennis & my screen name is Big D-Smoke I figured I'd use it since that's what ppl know me by lol. I currently have 7 tanks running & a few I need to get setup. My favorite fish is my Fahaka Puffer, I got him as a tiny little guy about the size of a small pea puffer & he's grown so much in the 15 months!! I also have a couple Oscars, Firemouths & Lima Shovelnose catfish which I love but I'm pretty much wanting to focus on puffers & shrimp tanks right now. 

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