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Aquarium Salt


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Hi everyone!

I am noticing a little bit of gray cloudiness at the high point of my betta’s eyes and I want to try adding a little aquarium salt to his tank before moving to an antibiotic. He has a little bit of scraped/loose scale near his left eye, too. His appetite is good and he greets me at the tank but he is slow to find his food and I’m not sure if he’s naturally slow or can’t see. He is not flashing and showing no other alarming symptoms.

the issue is I have kuhli loaches cohabitating with him. Is there a safe level of salt to add to a tank with kuhlis? What’s an alternative I can try?

water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate around 20 ppm. Temp is 79 degrees but the heater struggles in the cold so it reaches 77 to 78. He doesn’t act like he’s sick but I’d like to prevent worsening if possible. I tried to take pics but it doesn’t show up well on pics.






Edited by laritheloud
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On 1/20/2022 at 2:23 PM, bettta999 said:

to me he looks pretty good he even looks better than mine {mine are perfectly fine} how old is he?



Not old at all! I just purchased him in December and he was shipped to me at the beginning of the month. He’s in a ten gallon and this is technically the hot spot quarantine time — but I’ve been observing closely and choosing not to prophylactically medicate unless I see something. Nothing in the fishes’ behavior or appetite is alarming to me, I’m just seeing a little bit of cloudy film on his eyes. He might be bumping his feeding ring? He jumps for his food to my fingers and I feed him one pellet at a time because he’s slow.

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On 1/20/2022 at 2:40 PM, bettta999 said:

it could be some kind of diases sure its not popeye

I’ve been watching for Popeye and don’t think it is yet. I’m not seeing swelling or off behavior, but betta eyes are also a little bulgier than other fish eyes in general. Fingers crossed…

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I think the best course of action is to add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that should help speed up the heal process  you can use something like easy-life catappa x instead of almond leaves 


Edited by Colu
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On 1/20/2022 at 3:44 PM, Colu said:

I think the best course of action is to add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that should help speed up the heal process I  you can use something like easy-life catappa x instead of almond leaves 


I added a catappa leaf and a bag of rooibos tea, along with some Seachem StressGuard (though I'm not sure if it actually does anything) just to be safe with the kuhlis. I double-checked Nitrates and they're actually between 10 and 20 ppm, not quite 20. (used strips and liquid test kit) -- though I know it really makes little difference, lol. My gut tells me he's probably fine. I removed the feeding ring since I suspect he was rubbing against it with his jumping. He keeps looking at me and begging for food whenever I walk by!

I'll see how he looks in the morning and change the water if I have to. 🙂 Thanks Colu. You know how I fret over my fishy friends a bit too much!

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On 1/21/2022 at 3:06 AM, BAT said:

I have not seen that liquid catappa before. @Coluis it better or easier or more effective than leaves?

It just as effective you add 10ml for 25gallons once a week  it doesn't give your water the dark  brown look if you don't like the tannins my fish are more active and their colour's seem more vibrant since I started using it 

Edited by Colu
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Update: After removing the feeding ring, giving him a fresh water change, and adding tannins, his eyes are clearing up just fine. The small bit of film is thinning out and I'm sure with a few more days it'll be gone. He's feeding all right without the ring though he's still slow and he misjudges his lunge. 🤣 We love this little guy!

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