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6 gallon Walstad test - 1/17/2022

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So I had an old Fluval flex 6 gallon laying around, i've hardly used it due to having huge hands and that little hole in the top for access.  

I really wanted to try a Walstad tank but knew it wouldn't work with the little access hole, did some research and saw a few videos and posts about removing the top.  To my surprise it was quite easy, and now I was left with a nice rimless 6 gallon little tank.  

I read and researched for a few days and found some videos on youtube to guide me through the process.  I had some organic potting soil left over from up potting some indoor plants, got a bag of 2-3mm Carib Sea, ordered some plants from the coop and got to work. 

I started it on 1/12/2022, I wanted to do daily pictures but life happens.  On first note I'm incredibly surprised at the growth in 5 days, I think the red flame sword is going to be way too big so I will probably remove that and put something else back there.  The clarity has been good, I've had two bacterial blooms, one on the third day which cleared up yesterday and then another one this morning.  

I have to go out and snow blow but will add to this later today. 


EDIT:  Driveway is snow blowed so I can update more but not sure how long my hands are going to last lol. 

I did an x patter when I planted, what I'm hoping to do is to be able to take cuttings and replant them inbetween but I'm not sure if in the long run that will deplete the nutrients in the soil faster. 

I put a very small 4 watt adjustable circulation pump down low as to not disturb the surface.  I read over the weekend that some circulation is good and I think once the plants grow in it will be hidden from view.  





Edited by HotTunaCartel
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On 1/17/2022 at 10:57 AM, ADMWNDSR83 said:

I like the look!  It should really fill out and go nice and all jungley!

Thanks!   That is what I'm hoping for, I really like a full thick planted tank 

On 1/17/2022 at 11:04 AM, Patrick_G said:

Looks like fun!

I think it's definitely going to be

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