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Mouth Rot Question


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Paging mouth rot experts (Dr. Colu, perhaps?):

I have a Platy who I had treated for Columnaris (specifically mouth rot) almost 2 months ago. The rot stopped, though not before most of her upper mouth receded. She is still in the hospital tank. She has difficulty eating, but can and does eat. (VibraBites are the easiest for her, ironically.) The upper mouth has not grown back, but has not receded further. Aside from her mouth she looks great, and even gave birth in the hospital tank. My questions are:

1) Should this fish go back to the main tank? If not...when? My main concern is not her eating difficulty, but rather if the Columnaris could still be present. If so, the last thing I want to do is introduce it to healthy fish.

2) Can her mouth actually grow back? It's been about 2 months. There has been no progress (regrowth), though the receding thankfully has stopped.

Thanks in advance folks.


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Hi @quikv6!

I had a diamond tetra that suffered from mouth rot early on when I started my 29 gallon tank. Although he doesn't have an active infection anymore, the tissue is still scarred and a little distorted on the upper lip area. I don't think the tissue will grow back normally and your fish will be scarred for the rest of her life. I actually did not know this, either, as a beginner fishkeeper, so it freaked me out a lot to see it not 'healing' completely. But his behavior is fine, he is eating fine, and he's done very well ever since then.

As far as returning to the main tank, if she's behaving fine and there's no sign of intensifying infection, it's at your discretion when to move her back. To me, it sounds like this is just how she is going to be and there's no active infection left. 

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Thank you for your input Larithelord. I was hoping to see a bit of regrowth, but i guess at this point it just isn't going to happen. It is good to know that your diamond tetra is doing well. I think I may ride it out a bit more, but with the goal of returning her soon. Thanks!

Edited by quikv6
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Loss of the upper part of the mouth is  permanent   if it stopped receding then the active infection has more than likely been cured as long as she's eating ok and can complete with the other fish for food I don't see why you can't put her back in the main @quikv6

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Thanks Colu...I actually put her in the main tank about an hour ago. I'll keep my fingers crossed. The mouth rot had stopped receding over a month ago, but I was just hoping it would regenerate. The fish was always very active, and happy to scarf down VibraBites, even without an upper lip. She has trouble with pellets and flakes, though. Now that she has competition, I am gonna keep close watch on her.

Thanks again folks.

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