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Mystery snail mystery

J. Holmes

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We are new to snails, so I’m not sure if this is normal or not. We got three of these little guys from our local pet store. We cycled our planted tanks for several months and made sure water levels are where they should be before adding them. All of them are showing signs of new growth, but this little guy looks a bit different. His shell is see through a bit towards the top and that dark section towards the bottom looks like gravel stuck in his shell. Is he ok? Do we need to try and get the gravel out? He has great energy and appetite, so we aren’t sure if he is healthy or sick. We’ve had them for about a week. We are going to start feeding them some blanched zucchini to help with calcium. Any suggestions/advice would be great. Thank you all! 

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No worries he is perfectly healthy. His shell is somewhat see through because you are feeding much better I’m sure than the LFS. His growth becomes very rapid when conditions and nutrition improve. The coloration will fill in over time. Feed lots of blanched veggies (remove uneaten veggies witching 24 hours) and some wafers the eat a lot and require supplemental feeding. if you do not have hard water to meet his calcium and magnesium needs drop in a wondershell coop sells them. The gravel looking stuff is his waste in the exit portion of his digestive track. You will see the waste expel from under the shell at the end of this area. He/she is a beautiful magenta. Congratulations 🥳

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Are you talking about that dark area towards the bottom of its shell? Like a line? If so, that's most likely its poop traveling outwards. Their shells are naturally a bit translucent and on the lighter shelled varieties, the end of the poop piping is visible. At least that's my experience with my snails. 

Edit: Ah, @Guppysnail beat me to it! But I'm in agreement! 😄

Edited by H.K.Luterman
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