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betta breeding questions ?


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  • 11 months later...

I own 2 young Bettas of same look and appearance. One of them keeps making bubbles, so its obiously a male. The other doesn't ever flare up or make bubbles. I cant seem to identify its gender. Anyways when I put them together even after the other has made bubbles, it just abuses the crap out of the other one (that doesn't flare). I believe they are siblings.

I'm considering going out and finding a female betta seller, so i know 100% the gender. I did rescue a Betta recently i was told was female but she's 5 years old (and massive... size of a small gold fish) it has some health issues so i wont risk breeding it.

I also have another 4th betta which has very long fins. I believe to be male as it flares up and attacks snails all the time.

I'm really hoping i can one day have a successful breeding of my obvious male betta. He's just always making bubble nests but unfortunately he's very aggressive so not sure if thats a factor?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, so I tried the above  with different males and different female and the males are still far too aggressive. In constant flare. I have 3 total mails, that seem to always flare up and attack even after a period of time in a tub separated from their main environment with the female in a plastic bottle cut out.

I dont want to give up. 🙂 I just dont know where to go from here... maybe i should get yet another male and hope for the best.

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