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Help…New fish brought ich into my aquarium


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Hi , I have a 10 gallon tank for a little over a year. I had 10 cardinal and neon tetra with only 3 cardinal tetras remaining. So before the holidays I added 3 neon glofish tetras (bigger) and suddenly they have been dying one by one. I test for nitrates and ammonia regularly and it’s always perfect. The only issue I have been having for a few months is green algae, if I skip a week of doing a water change the water will turn green and the decorations as well. I asked the people at the fish store and they said it’s probably high phosphates. They gave me a phosphate remover to leave in the tank for a few weeks. It didn’t help much. Regular water changes and the cleaning of decor keeps it clean.

I started treating for Ich with Malachite green as of Sunday and today I lost another cardinal tetra. It was the only one that had the white spots. The remaining two fish don’t have any spots. Should I continue the treatment for another day? How long should I wait before adding some new friends for my lonely survivors? How do make sure that the new fish don’t have any dieases?

Do you know why I have the green algae? How do I get rid of the algae once and for all?

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Hi! For the ich, I would treat with ich-x. Totally bullet-proof. Just follow the instructions on the bottle and you should be good. It would definitely make the ich go away, in my experience.

For the algae, it takes over when one of the following is out of whack: Nutrients, light and/or co2. You need to balance your tank and figure which one is out of whack. For me, it was all 3, lol. The following video should explain how to get your tank alge free. (It's only 12 min and it's very helpful.) This video is the reason I don't have algae in my tank anymore. My tank had the green alage you had and it went away. It should solve your problems, good luck and lmk if you have any questions. 


Edited by BettasAreSuperior
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Thanks for the video. how long should I wait before adding new friends into the tank? How can I prevent bringing fish home with diseases? I have heard about doing a quarantine for 3-4 weeks, but I don’t have another tank.

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